St. James’ is the Charter Organization for Scouting America Troop 829, which was chartered on August 29, 2019. The goal was to create another troop to expand and grow Scouting in Mount Airy serving the church and wider community. We wanted to provide inclusion and opportunity to everyone in our troop!
In our first few months, many of our scouts ranked up, and some ranked up twice! Since our start, the boy troop has grown significantly and in the summer of 2020, we expanded to a 2nd troop of female scouts!
BSA Troop 829 meets on Fridays at the church (when we aren’t camping). Leadership, community involvement, the environment, STEM, sports, hiking, water activities and camping (of course), and most of all, HAVING FUN will be on the agenda.
To find out more information visit the Scouting America Troop 829 Mt. Airy, MD website.