Our worship is traditional in many ways and at the same time relaxed with seasonal changes and prayers particular to our communal life. Children of all ages and family dogs are always welcome. Our contemporary, multi-purpose, and moveable sanctuary lends itself to many opportunities for combining worship with seasonal events.
Our worship services consist of Rite II along with eucharistic forms and prayers of the people from Enriching Our Worship and Anglican communities around the world. All parts of services are printed in our bulletin including music which makes worship more accessible to newcomers and eliminates the need for juggling of multiple books. Music is from Hymnal 1982, LEVAS and Wonder, Love and Praise.
We have two Sunday services. Holy Eucharist at 8:30 am: a contemplative service without music and Holy Eucharist at 10:30 am with congregational and choral music (livestream). The summer schedule from late May through Early September consists of one Sunday Holy Eucharist with congregational singing in our Memorial Garden at 9:30 am, weather permitting.
We have a robust worship ministries team including acolytes, chalice bearers, lectors, and usher, who – along with our altar guild – play an integral part in our services.
Acolytes assist in our worship services by carrying torches, the cross, and occasionally other items in processions, and by assisting at the altar table. Any middle or high school-aged member of St. James’ is welcome to serve as an acolyte; we will give you the simple training at any time of the year. If you think you might like to be an acolyte, ask any of our acolytes about it.
Altar flowers for our worship services use the resources of local florists and members’ gardens. Anyone who wishes to honor a loved one or commemorate a special occasion may sign up on the Flower Board in the narthex. We ask a minimum contribution of $35.00; please write “flowers” on your check or envelope. For Christmas and Easter, memorial contributions may be made to the Music and Flower Fund using the form in the Sunday bulletin. These donations will be used for flowers for the church and for hiring soloists to make our celebrations of these feasts more glorious.
The Altar Guild does the behind-the-scenes work of preparing the church for worship. Altar Guild members care for the altar linens, vestments and paraments (the special garments and hangings we use for worship), polish the brass and silver, replace the candles, organize the service books, and make sure everything is in place before the service begins. This is a rich and quiet service that many people find enriches their spiritual lives.
The bread ministry provides bread for communion during our church services. Following a church recipe, bakers bake enough loaves for the month for which they are scheduled, consisting of one loaf per service. The bread is stored in the church’s freezer. This ministry is perfect for someone who loves to bake and/or wants to contribute to the church service within his or her own schedule.
Our chalice servers assist our Rector at the altar during communion by offering the cup (the blood of Christ). This honorable ministry—made available to the laity by our Episcopal Church—provides an opportunity to serve our church in a rewarding and humbling manner. We currently have 18 chalice servers, seven of whom are youth servers that provide on 4th Sundays at the youth-led service. All serve on a rotating basis according to a monthly schedule.
Our coffee hosts and hostesses provide a space at the back of the church for “coffee and conversation” after the 8:30 and 10:30 church services, and bring goodies and brew coffee for the congregation to share. Women, men, and youth all participate in this ministry, with one person hosting each Sunday for the 8:30 service and two people for the 10:30 service. The 8:30 host/hostess plugs in the coffee pot, prepares the table with the treats, and makes the coffee. The 10:30 hosts/hostesses bring their treats for the table, and clean up the table and wash the cups (using the dishwasher) after the coffee hour. A host’s or hostess’s name comes up on the coffee hour schedule once every two to two-and-a-half months; the schedule is published every four months for members. There is a “master schedule” on the bulletin board as you come into church and in the kitchen.
The ushers at Saint James’ are dedicated to ensuring the efficient functioning of services and meetings held at the church. Ushers make sure that all things mechanical are in place and working (PA system, lights, HVAC, etc.). At each service the ushers greet the attendees, distribute programs/bulletins, and provide any assistance needed (seating, audio help, directions to child care etc.). Ushers also take up the collection, ensure a smooth flow during communion, and perform other functions as needed during the service. Because ushers are the first line in public relations—the first people whom visitors will meet when attending a service for the first time the main requirement for ushers/greeters is a welcoming and cheerful attitude.
Those who serve as lectors at St. James’ read the lessons and psalms appointed for Sunday services, and lead the Prayers for the People during the service, on a rotating basis with a partner. Lectors have a strong voice in reading God’s Word; they aren’t afraid to use a microphone and are familiar with the service layout. They need to be somewhat flexible and alert to changes or the need to spontaneously “fill in”. Lectors make themselves available and offer support in reading lessons during special services throughout the church liturgical year, including Christmas and Holy Week services.
St. James’ has a wonderful music program with numerous opportunities for sharing your musical gifts. It is our goal to develop an understanding within our members of the value and inspiration that music provides in supporting our weekly worship and spiritual unity. Desire and commitment are more important than special training or expertise. We welcome singers and instrumentalists of all ages, talent levels, and amounts of time that they can commit. We focus on quality and growth to our music program as we implement a wide variety of music from traditional to contemporary praises. Please feel free to contact Richard Drehoff (music@stjamesmtairy.org), Director of Music.
The worship committee is made up of members of the various ministries that assist in worship and anyone else who is interested in the worship of the church, both at St. James’ and in the broader world of the faith. We learn about the worship practices we follow and about worship in other places and times, and we plan and prepare for our worship, especially the seasonal and holy day celebrations of Advent and Christmas, Epiphany, Lent and Easter, and Pentecost. If you are interested in learning more about the Worship Committee, contact Rev. Kristin Krantz (rector@stjamesmtairy.org)