Sermons on June 2019

A Sermon for the Second Sunday after Pentecost

Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen. It is good to be back with you all here today.  I am delighted to share that Vestry member Heather Albertson and I completed all the necessary work and reading, we passed the exam, and Friday evening…

A Sermon for Pentecost

  Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.   Happy Pentecost! The word Pentecost comes from the Greek word for fiftieth – as this is the fiftieth and last day of the Easter season. Next week, with Trinity Sunday, we begin the nearly six…