Sermons on 2015 (Page 4)

A Sermon for the Feast of Pentecost 2015

Alleluia! Christ is risen! That must have been some sermon the disciples preached. I’m sure every preacher since then has wished she or he had a copy of it. I mean, sure, the mighty wind and all those tongues of flames must have helped get the message across. And it can’t have hurt that this rag-tag band of uneducated fishermen and laborers…

A Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter 2015

  Alleluia! Christ is risen! Every year on the fourth Sunday of Easter, we read a portion of the tenth chapter of John’s Gospel. The entire chapter is the account of Jesus describing himself as ”The Good Shepherd,” and contrasting his own care and sacrifice on behalf of his flock to that of the wolf, who is always seeking to harm the…

A Sermon for Easter Day 2015

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Mark was the first person that we know of to write down the story of Jesus’ life. In fact, it is from the beginning of Mark’s account of Jesus’ life that we get the name for these kinds of writings: “The beginning of the good news about Jesus Christ” is how the book of Mark begins, and “Good…

A Sermon for the Great Vigil of Easter 2015

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Is there anything as amazing as what we celebrate tonight? I’m not talking about Jesus rising from the dead, as amazing as that is. If that were the whole story of Easter, it would be a short tale, and few would be celebrating tonight. But Easter isn’t about the miraculous resuscitation of a first-century rabble-rouser. It’s about the…

A Homily for Good Friday, 2015

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” The haunting, aching cry that begins the Twenty-Second Psalm, the psalm Jesus cries out from the cross, speaks of terrible, existential aloneness. What are we to make of the Son of God, who, we are told, says these words from the cross as he dies? And what are we to make of the…