Sermons by Rev. Kristin Krantz (Page 16)

A Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

  Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.     Our abundance lies not in things, but in a life big enough to be shared.[1] Abundance. When you hear this word, what comes to mind?  (listen) The dictionary has three nuances to the definition:…

A Sermon for Pentecost 2016

  Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.   One of the things I’ve learned over the years is to pay attention when a word or image or theme comes up across multiple conversations or in different spheres of my life, often in what…