Sermons by Rev. Kristin Krantz (Page 14)

A Sermon for St. James Day

Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.     Today we commemorate St. James the Greater – the patron saint of this parish. Technically St. James Day falls on July 25, so, in order to celebrate it, we move it to the Sunday following.…

A Sermon for the Third Sunday after Pentecost

Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.       But I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my father. ~ John 15:15b Last week was the feast day/saint’s day for Bernard Mizeki. …

A Sermon for Trinity Sunday

Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.     Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer. The Holy Trinity. A theological issue that took many years and many arguments to solidify as church doctrine.  One of the hallmarks of our faith as Christians.  And…

A Sermon for Easter Sunday

  Alleluia!  Christ is risen! The Lord is risen indeed!  Alleluia!     There is a practice in the Orthodox tradition to tells jokes at Easter in honor of the joke that Jesus played on death in the resurrection. Don’t stop me if you’ve heard this one before. Sara was a precocious 5 year old.  She loved going to church and Sunday…

A Sermon for the Third Week of Lent

  Gracious God, take our minds and think through them; take our hands and work through them; take our hearts and set them on fire. Amen.     The woman at the well.  The Samaritan woman.  Her name has been lost to us, and so we know her only in describing her.  And yet, what she has to teach us is nothing…