A Sabbatical Prayer

Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.



The above prayer was selected by the Sabbatical Team to ground us as a community. Thank you to member Joan Fader for composing it. Beginning this Sunday it will be included in our weekly worship, and we invite you to add it to your regular prayers as well.

Please look for our Sabbatical Newsletter, a new communication devoted to sharing news and information about our upcoming time of sabbatical and renewal. We will be sending these out regularly in the lead up to, and throughout, Kristin’s+ time away.  Previous newsletters are linked below.  Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter The Shell as well as upcoming sabbatical news in your inbox.

Issue 1, April 26, 2022
Issue 2, May 10, 2022
Issue 3, May 31, 2022
Issue 4, June 7, 2022
Issue 5, June 14, 2022
Issue 6, June 21, 2022
Issue 7, June 28, 2022
Issue 8, July 5, 2022
Issue 9, July 26, 2022
Issue 10, August 16, 2022
Issue 11, August 23, 2022
Issue 12, September 27, 2022

Sunday School News

On Easter Day (both services) children and families may turn in their mite boxes to benefit A is for Africa.  We give thanks for the many coins you have been saving during Lent to benefit those in need.   Parents please note:  The children will be singing on Tuesday, April 5th, when Rev. Portia+ will be present for a blessing of the church dedication plaque…

The Three Great Days Which Guide Us to Easter

This Sunday we celebrate the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, and with it we enter Holy Week.  For centuries upon centuries Christians have been gathering together to retrace the last steps of the Christ.  This is what we do when we gather on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday to prepare for the joy of Easter Day.  We believe that…

Directory Update

Please take a look at the directory on the “name tag” table to make sure the information contained within is correct.  Also, if you are a new member and are not listed, please fill out a Household Information Sheet (on the same table).  You can leave the sheet in the file folder provided.  It is important that we have the information so…

Smells & Bells

Let my prayer rise up like incense before you, the lifting up of my hands as an offering to you. ~Psalm 141   The use of incense in worship goes back to our earliest scriptures.  Within the Episcopal Church the use of incense is varied – from “Smokey Mary’s” in New York City to “low churches” where the word ‘thurifur’ sounds like…

Holy Week and Easter at Saint James’

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, The warm weather as February is turning into March is a reminder that spring always follows winter, just as the empty tomb always follows the cross. We are deep in Lent, and our eyes are being turned toward the three great days and the day of the resurrection. For as much as…

St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS 9:30-10:15 a.m. lower level Preschool through high school We have gotten through the snows of January and the cold days of February and here it is March. What is in store for us? We give thanks for all our Sunday School parents who have transported their children to Sunday School each week……way to go! We love seeing the smiling…

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner The pancake supper on Tuesday, February 9th was a great success largely due to the support provided by our wonderful helpers.  Many thanks to the people who supported this event.  Thanks to all who donated sausages, applesauce, and juice.  Thanks to those who helped set up on Monday and decorated Tuesday afternoon.  Thanks to the wonderful kitchen staff…