A Sabbatical Prayer
Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.
The above prayer was selected by the Sabbatical Team to ground us as a community. Thank you to member Joan Fader for composing it. Beginning this Sunday it will be included in our weekly worship, and we invite you to add it to your regular prayers as well.
Please look for our Sabbatical Newsletter, a new communication devoted to sharing news and information about our upcoming time of sabbatical and renewal. We will be sending these out regularly in the lead up to, and throughout, Kristin’s+ time away. Previous newsletters are linked below. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter The Shell as well as upcoming sabbatical news in your inbox.
Issue 1, April 26, 2022
Issue 2, May 10, 2022
Issue 3, May 31, 2022
Issue 4, June 7, 2022
Issue 5, June 14, 2022
Issue 6, June 21, 2022
Issue 7, June 28, 2022
Issue 8, July 5, 2022
Issue 9, July 26, 2022
Issue 10, August 16, 2022
Issue 11, August 23, 2022
Issue 12, September 27, 2022
Vestry A couple weeks ago, Kristin and I attended our second and final week this past year at the College of Congregational Development. As she mentioned, we put the time and energy in completing the work at home, at church, and in the classroom to pass the exam and “Graduate”. And after all the energy…
Yesterday we shared the news that St. James’ is becoming a new Charter Organization for the Boy Scouts of America. We are hopeful that Troop 829 will launch here this fall! How did this emerge at St. James’? A few months ago we were approached by the District Executive for the Baltimore Area Council of…
From the Rector Reflections on the College for Congregational Development Last Saturday Heather Albertson and I completed our second year of the College for Congregational Development (CCD). We read all the required books, did two parish projects, passed the exam – and graduated! This isn’t the last you’ll be hearing about CCD though obviously, as…
From the Rector Summer Savings at the Thrift Shop! Is it tacky if I say it pays to be a member? Probably – but this summer it’s true! Look in your Sunday bulletin beginning this week for a special coupon for members of St. James’ only for $5 off a purchase of $20 or more…
Rector – Get Even More WAY OF LOVE! “The way of Jesus is the Way of Love. And the Way of Love can change the world,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry says in his new podcast, The Way of Love: with Bishop Michael Curry. These weekly conversations, which launched last Sunday on Pentecost, explore living a…
Rector – Summer at St. James’: Fellowship & Formation Summer is nearly here, and with it comes vacations and more time away from our St. James’ family – so this year we’ve planned several opportunities for fellowship and formation. Sundays at St. James – We’ll continue to gather weekly for worship at 9:30 am Faith…
Vestry Over the last couple of months, St. James has hosted several social events that I hope you’ve been able to participate in. It’s hard to make time for everything, but some of the reasons I enjoy these activities is the opportunity to hear peoples’ stories: what are their hobbies? how did they meet their…
Environmental St. James will host a free screening of the new documentary, The Climate for Change is Now: Paris to Pittsburgh on Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 7 pm. We will ask for a donation of canned for Mt Airy NET. Please plan to attend and invite your friends. Included for your edification is the…
From the Rector The 235th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland Last Friday and Saturday St. James’ Delegate Carla Kaufman and I attended our Diocesan Convention. It’s always fun to see folks who serve far and wide across our diocese, to visit the booths of all the vendors and organizations, and to pray together…
From the Rector A Mother’s Day Thanksgiving This Sunday is Mother’s Day. While there are faith-filled roots to this holiday, it is at heart a secular one. For this reason it is not included in the church calendar, and we don’t celebrate it as a feast day. We will mark it in our Prayers of…