A Sabbatical Prayer
Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.
The above prayer was selected by the Sabbatical Team to ground us as a community. Thank you to member Joan Fader for composing it. Beginning this Sunday it will be included in our weekly worship, and we invite you to add it to your regular prayers as well.
Please look for our Sabbatical Newsletter, a new communication devoted to sharing news and information about our upcoming time of sabbatical and renewal. We will be sending these out regularly in the lead up to, and throughout, Kristin’s+ time away. Previous newsletters are linked below. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter The Shell as well as upcoming sabbatical news in your inbox.
Issue 1, April 26, 2022
Issue 2, May 10, 2022
Issue 3, May 31, 2022
Issue 4, June 7, 2022
Issue 5, June 14, 2022
Issue 6, June 21, 2022
Issue 7, June 28, 2022
Issue 8, July 5, 2022
Issue 9, July 26, 2022
Issue 10, August 16, 2022
Issue 11, August 23, 2022
Issue 12, September 27, 2022
From the Rector – Pray and Give As we begin to see the devastation wrought by hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas and brace for its effects along the eastern seaboard, please join in praying for all those affected. A Prayer in Time of Disaster Loving and compassionate God, you are our coming and strength in…
On July 1st Rev. Kristin announced that St. James’ would become a charter organization for the Boy Scouts of America and that I would be joining as the Scoutmaster of the new Boy Scout Troop. In conversations with the church and local scouting leadership, I shared a vision of the troop being an inclusive environment where…
Vestry The Basket Raffle is one of St. James longest running and most profitable fundraisers and It’s Almost Here! The “Basket Brigade” (the members who do all the footwork for this), work for months in advance to complete 50+ baskets for the community to bid on. But they need assistance. If you like to organize…
From the Rector – Fall Kick-Off: Ministry Fair, Choir Returns, Backpack Blessing, and more! As hard as it is to believe, summer is coming to an end. It’s been nice over the summer, to worship together in one service and slow down a bit, but I know I’m getting excited for all that fall brings: …
From the Rector – Fall Grace & Grub Dinner Groups Fellowship dinners are back for the fall! Sign up in the narthex to join a small group to gather in homes for conversation and food monthly from September to November. You’re invited to sign up if you weren’t able to be a part of a…
From the Rector – Confirmation Program for Highschoolers Calling all youth and parents! We will be offering a Confirmation program for high school youth this year. Confirmation is a sacramental rite in the Episcopal Church, an opportunity for young adults to examine their faith and discern if they want to confirm the promises that were…
From the Rector – There’s Nothing Like A Summer Picnic As we enter the dog days of summer and start digging out those school supply lists and hit the back to school clothing sales, take a break to enjoy some family time alongside friends at St. James’ for a picnic after church on 8/18. Bring…
Vestry Although summer is a time for relaxing and recharging, Saint James seems busy as ever. There are numerous events taking place in August (sign up for one in the Narthex!) and many people are volunteering their time to help keep Saint James running smoothly. Several parishioners are volunteering at the Thrift Shop to help…
From the Rector – Who was St. James the Apostle? How much do you know about our patron saint, St. James the Apostle? On Sunday, July 28 we will celebrate the Feast Day of James the Greater (transferred from his official feast date of July 25). He is referred to as “the Greater” to distinguish…
From the Rector – The View from the Mountaintop People say that walking on water is a miracle, but to me, walking peacefully on the earth is the real miracle. ~Thich Nhat Hanh Last Sunday we had our first prayer hike at Sugarloaf Mountain. The weather held out and we enjoyed the lush forest (and…