A Sabbatical Prayer

Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen.



The above prayer was selected by the Sabbatical Team to ground us as a community. Thank you to member Joan Fader for composing it. Beginning this Sunday it will be included in our weekly worship, and we invite you to add it to your regular prayers as well.

Please look for our Sabbatical Newsletter, a new communication devoted to sharing news and information about our upcoming time of sabbatical and renewal. We will be sending these out regularly in the lead up to, and throughout, Kristin’s+ time away.  Previous newsletters are linked below.  Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter The Shell as well as upcoming sabbatical news in your inbox.

Issue 1, April 26, 2022
Issue 2, May 10, 2022
Issue 3, May 31, 2022
Issue 4, June 7, 2022
Issue 5, June 14, 2022
Issue 6, June 21, 2022
Issue 7, June 28, 2022
Issue 8, July 5, 2022
Issue 9, July 26, 2022
Issue 10, August 16, 2022
Issue 11, August 23, 2022
Issue 12, September 27, 2022

The Shell Newsletter – May 14, 2020

Update Our Path Forward Together As you have likely now heard, Maryland’s stay at home order ends tomorrow at 5:00 pm.  With this the Governor has given the green light for the resumption of outdoor church services and limited indoor worship, and non-essential businesses may reopen by following strict health and safety guidelines.  As I…

The Shell Newsletter – April 16, 2020

From the Rector No really, how are you doing? Last month Bishop Sutton began holding weekly Zoom meetings with all the clergy and senior wardens in the Diocese.  I have really appreciated gathering to pray and hear from Diocesan leadership, and for the chance to check in with each other. Yesterday he reflected on three…

Easter Formation

Easter Bible Study This Eastertide join Rev. Kristin and others in the Way of Love 50 Day Bible Challenge.  Using the book of the same name, we will read individually during the week and gather on Mondays at 7:00 pm on Zoom to pray, reflect, and discuss the previous week’s readings together. The Way of…