DAUGHTERS OF THE KING is an Order for laywomen of the Episcopal Church who reaffirm Confirmation promises and are an extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Our St. James’ Chapter meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. The Daughters worship regularly, pray daily for our parish and those in need of prayer, send cards of encouragement and are individually involved in the various ministries of St. James’ and beyond. Contact: Joan Fader (faderj1@juno.com)
The meal ministry is designed to provide meals to parishioners who are experiencing difficult or challenging times. We provide meals to those who have undergone surgery, had a death in the family, a new baby, or any other event which would make preparing a meal an extra burden. Occasionally meal ministry members enjoy a morning together preparing and assembling casseroles for the freezer. Plans for the future include another meal-making day, which will be scheduled in late winter/early spring. How you can help? There are two ways that you can help this ministry: First, you are welcome to add your name to my list of “meal-makers.” The meals we provide can be as simple or complex as you like. Remember, you don’t have to be a gourmet chef- even store-bought or carry-out is a huge help. To join this ministry, simply contact Betsy Davis (jbeezd@aol.com). Second, you can let the church office know when someone might need a meal (or you can contact Betsy directly).
The rector and trained, lay pastoral caregivers are available for pastoral counseling when needed. Please contact the parish office at (301) 829-0325 or office@stjamesmtairy.org