- The Shell Newsletter – January 30, 2025
- Embracing Oneself as an Icon
- The Shell Newsletter – January 23, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 16, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
Volunteering at St. James’ Nursery School St. James’ Nursery School has been blessed this year with a wonderful volunteer, Deb Schaeffer. Deb is the first church member to volunteer at our school on a regular basis and we have enjoyed having her working with the children and in our Teacher Resource Library (Thank you Deb!!!). Having an extra set of hands and…
Classes meet 9:30-10:15 a.m. in the lower level Lent has begun and the Sunday School children are preparing to collect coins for their mite boxes. We will gather together to decorate our boxes and jars on March 1st. The coins collected in the mite boxes will be donated to the “A is for Africa” project, which we learned more about when Rick…
The following article is the first of a 2 part series written by Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett. It is in response to some recent questions from parishioners. One of the things I do in my spare time is design and make vestments and paraments for churches that commission me. The beautiful things we use to decorate our churches and worship leaders are also strange –…
Please support our nursery school in our Spring Fundraiser by ordering online at www.mixedbagdesigns.com. Make sure to use our school fundraiser ID number, 288029, at checkout. Our school can continue to receive profit from online orders through June 30, 2015 as long as the online orders use our id# 288029.
Please consider donating supplies to your Thrift Shop this month. We have placed a board with our needs in the Narthex. Be sure to grab a slip from one of the envelopes, with one of our needs listed. When you have purchased that item, please deposit your slip into the box to be reused for…
The year has been off to a great start for St. James Nursery School. Many of the students have participated in exciting field trips over the past few weeks. The school is currently participating in an Aluminum Can Tab Collection to benefit Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. Collected aluminum tabs will be turned into money and sent to the hospital. We…
During our last 4th Sunday group activity, we welcomed Mary Anne and Rick Smith, organizers of the A is for Africa project. They showed us pictures of the Tanzania students registering for school and the newly formed school library. Lots of interesting questions were asked. Our outreach donations have helped with this endeavor and the Tanzania children say “Asante Sana”, which means…
Everything is happening too soon this year. Easter is on the early side, which means that Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent are just around the corner. On February 17th we will gorge ourselves on pancakes and all the fixings (an ancient way to use up all the butter in the larder before the Lenten fast begins) and the next…
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Diocese of Maryland is in deep pain. Words barely express the depth of our shock and despair over the events and revelations of the past two weeks in the aftermath of the tragic collision involving Bishop Suffragan Heather Cook, which resulted in the death of a cyclist, Thomas Palermo, on…
Welcome 2015! A whole New Year is ahead of us and we are looking forward to working with your children in our Sunday School program. Classes resume January 4th and we will continue with our “4th Sunday Fun” group activities each month . The older youth will also participate in the 10:30 worship service monthly. Our thanks to their enthusiasm and support.…