- The Shell Newsletter – January 30, 2025
- Embracing Oneself as an Icon
- The Shell Newsletter – January 23, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 16, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
Dear St. James’ Parish Family, It’s been a great first week at St. James’ and it’s only been a day and a half! It is great to finally be with you and I am looking forward to worshipping with those of you who will be around this holiday weekend. The good news is that I’ll be the following Sunday too! As I wrote about…
Hello & Welcome Rev. Kristin Krantz St. James’ Nursery School Board welcomes the 2015-2016 School year St. James’ Nursery School Board hopes everyone had a wonderful summer! St. James’ Nursery School teachers and staff are excited about providing a nurturing environment where children can learn and grow as they explore and discover the world around them. We are truly blessed to have…
Classes begin September 13, 2015 9:30-10:15 a.m. in the lower level Welcome to Sunday School ! It is so exciting to begin our new Sunday School year on September 13th with an opportunity to meet our new rector, The Rev. Kristin Krantz. Welcome all! Our classes and volunteer teachers include Bible Stories for Preschoolers …
The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry Bishop, Diocese of North Carolina “The Liberation of Love” The Chapman Dialogues: Conversations on Faith, the Claggett Center, and the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland proudly present The Right Reverend Michael B. Curry, bishop of North Carolina, as the keynote speaker and presenter of a three-day retreat designed to inspire,…
To the children of St. James’ and families: Thank you so very much for the extraordinary gift of $1,100+ for the children of Matimu Primary School. Your thoughtfulness and generosity to these children 9,000 miles away is inspiring. We cannot thank you enough for all that St. James’ has done to help these wonderful children…
The St. James Flower Guild provides plant and floral arrangements each week for the altar. This ministry is able to create arrangements based on the season and availability of local plants and flowers. If you wish to contribute with a donation, a chart is on the bulletin board in the Narthex to sign up and…
Back To School Are you ready yet? We have supplies including backpacks, paper, folders, binders, pencils, pens, rulers, and so much more!!! “Back to School” clothes are a must! We have new and gently used clothing as well as accessories to meet your back to school needs! Check out Saint James Thrift Shop first! See you there!…
Classes meet 9:30-10:15 a.m. in the lower level News about Sunday School It is a joy to report that the Lenten mite box offerings amounted to $552.37, which was matched by our Outreach Committee totaling $1,104.74. This amount was presented to Rick & Mary Anne Smith on July 6th for our A is for Africa outreach project. On their next visit to…
As most of you know by now, Sunday, August 16th will be my last day as your Interim Rector, which means that my tenure here will have been eighteen months to the day. As is always the case with experiences that have been rich and meaningful, it seems like both far longer and far shorter than that to me. From my very…
Bishops and deputies approved task force, update policies [Episcopal News Service – Salt Lake City] The House of Bishops on July 1 passed three resolutions, one with an amendment, on the issue of alcohol and drug abuse. “I am Mark and I am an alcoholic,” the Bishop of Ohio, the Rt. Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, said…