Newsletter/Blog (Page 65)

St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

Sunday School has gotten off to a great start. At the first gathering our new rector, The Rev. Kristin Krantz, led the opening prayer and blessing of the children and teachers. It is always a delight to greet new students and to welcome back our “faithful regulars” (and to admire how much they have grown over the summer). We had our first…

St. James’ Nursery School Fall Fundraiser!

We are very excited to try something new for this year’s fall fund raiser!!!! We will be using Charleston Wrap (which includes kitchen and home items, gourmet foods, personalized items, and magazines) to raise money to pay for this year’s yoga program! There is a display of the merchandise in our main lobby with sample catalogs. We would love to see 100%…

Exciting News!

The St. James Rain Garden has been certified by the Carroll County Baywise Master Gardeners. On Tuesday, September 1, three representatives from the Baywise Master Gardeners met with Liz Peterson to evaluate how well the rain garden and its implementation matches the goals of the Bay Wise Master Gardeners. This program is administered by the University…

The Rector Asks Back…

This Sunday I hope you join me in conversation as we pick up where Ask the Rector left off last week as I take a turn asking YOU some questions!  And because I know that the formation hour between services doesn’t work for everyone, I want to share a few of my questions here so that if you aren’t able to join…

A time for conversation

Over the next two Sundays I hope to sit down and start a conversation with many of you.  I say start, because one of the things I believe is that healthy relationships require ongoing conversation.  Conversation comes from the Latin roots con (together) and verto (to turn).  At its most basic, then, conversation means to turn together or to turn to one…

Greetings from Reverend Kristin Krantz…

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, It’s been a great first week at St. James’ and it’s only been a day and a half! It is great to finally be with you and I am looking forward to worshipping with those of you who will be around this holiday weekend. The good news is that I’ll be the following Sunday too! As I wrote about…

St. James’ Nursery School

Hello & Welcome Rev. Kristin Krantz St. James’ Nursery School Board welcomes the 2015-2016 School year St. James’ Nursery School Board hopes everyone had a wonderful summer! St. James’ Nursery School teachers and staff are excited about providing a nurturing environment where children can learn and grow as they explore and discover the world around them. We are truly blessed to have…

St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

Classes begin September 13, 2015 9:30-10:15 a.m. in the lower level Welcome to Sunday School ! It is so exciting to begin our new Sunday School year on September 13th with an opportunity to meet our new rector, The Rev. Kristin Krantz. Welcome all! Our classes and volunteer teachers include Bible Stories for Preschoolers                …

Happenings at The Claggett Center

The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry Bishop, Diocese of North Carolina “The Liberation of Love” The Chapman Dialogues: Conversations on Faith, the Claggett Center, and the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland proudly present The Right Reverend Michael B. Curry, bishop of North Carolina, as the keynote speaker and presenter of a three-day retreat designed to inspire,…