Newsletter/Blog (Page 64)

Symbols, Symbols Everywhere

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, It is hard to believe it is November! This is a month of turning in the church year. We begin with the great Feast of All Saints and end with the start of the new church year when we enter Advent. Throughout it all, symbols help point us along the way. Beginning on All Saints you will notice a…

St. James’ Nursery School Happenings

So many exciting things are happening at St. James Nursery School! Recent trips to Summers Farm, Gavers Farm and Clarks Elioak Farm were enjoyed by all and capped off with Halloween festivities at the end of October. The Pre-K 4’s will also be enjoying an upcoming trip to Piney Run in November. The Holiday Extravaganza will be held Saturday, November 14th and…

St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS 9:30-10:15 a.m. lower level Preschool through high school Fall is definitely here and we hope you have been enjoying the beauty of the season. In order to help our fine-feathered friends during this seasonal change, our Sunday School students made bird feeder treats during their group activity. You may have seen the treats hanging in the trees by our…

Welcoming our new Music Director – Len Langrick

It is with great joy that I invite you to welcome Len Langrick as our long term interim Music Director.  Len will be with us for six months, through Easter, and from there further plans will emerge.  Len’s first Sunday with us will be November 1, but he begins rehearsals this week with the choir.  Please hold Len and our choir in…

Welcoming our new Music Director – Len Langrick

It is with great joy that I invite you to welcome Len Langrick as our long term interim Music Director.  Len will be with us for six months, through Easter, and from there further plans will emerge.  Len’s first Sunday with us will be November 1, but he begins rehearsals this week with the choir.  Please hold Len and our choir in…

Social Media Sunday!

  Bring your smart phones and your tablets to church this Sunday for Social Media Sunday!  Check in to Facebook, update your status & tell everyone you are at church, tweet the sermon, Instagram a selfie or other pic from church!  Please hashtag all posts with both #stjamesmtairy and #SMS15.  And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to LIKE our Facebook Page…

St. James Facebook Group is Live!

Our new Facebook Group – St. James’ Mt. Airy Group – is up and running!  All you have to do is search it on Facebook and ask to join.  It is a closed group that we can keep out spammers, but all parishioners will be admitted.  I’ve started seeding the group with a few posts, things that may be of interest to…