- The Shell Newsletter – January 30, 2025
- Embracing Oneself as an Icon
- The Shell Newsletter – January 23, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 16, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
Dear St. James’ Parish Family, We have entered my favorite season of the church year, Advent. It is a time in which we can build in pauses and deep breaths as the world around us spins faster and faster. Advent is a season of hope and expectation, of reflection and preparation. It points us toward Bethlehem and the…
Scholastic Reading Club Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive It’s time for the annual Scholastic Reading Club Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive benefiting Pajama Program, a nonprofit organization that provides new pajamas and books to children in need. Since 2009, caring classrooms across the country have risen to the challenge and donated nearly 350,000 pairs of new pajamas. The Scholastic Reading Club has…
SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS 9:30-10:15 a.m. lower level Preschool through high school Advent is a time when we prepare our hearts that Jesus may be born in us. It is both a time for joyful preparation and repentance. How can everything we do to prepare for Christmas make us ready to welcome God’s Gift? With the greenery scent filling the room, our…
For God has made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and secure. ~ 2 Samuel 23:5b We read this passage from the last words of King David last Sunday. It is one of the many instances found in scripture of the repeated promise of eternal covenant with the people of Israel. And it is something we need to always…
Thank you, thank you, thank you. The Renewal of Ministry service last Thursday was Spirit filled and joyful beyond measure. Thank you to the Planning Team – Joan Fader, Liz Peterson, Katie McKeever, Carolyn Etzler, Deb Schaeffer, and Len Langrick. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it, and thank to all those who couldn’t but held us in prayer. …
From the Carroll County Times November 21 2015 On Thursday evening, Nov. 19, St. James Episcopal Church in Mount Airy welcomed the Rev. Kristin Krantz as its 17th rector in a Renewal of Ministry service. Originally from Jeffersonville, Indiana, Krantz graduated from Indiana University with degrees in history and political science, as well as a…
This Sunday we come to the last Sunday of the church year. Traditionally known as the Feast of Christ the King, in recent years many have starting calling it the Feast of the Reign of Christ. I like that nuance because it speaks more to my experience. There are no kings in my day-to-day life…
One of the pieces of coming to know each other is learning how we care for one another. Pastoral care is an essential part of Christian community, and as your priest I have a role to play in this ministry. There is no one size fits all way of caring for each other. In my experience, some folk want others to walk…
Two things to note this week! First, we have moved the organ to better support the choir and Len’s ability to both play and direct them. The organ will now be towards the middle at the back of the sanctuary, with the choir seating also more centered. We’ll see how this works, and likely make tweaks going forward. I welcome your thoughts…
Reception following Renewal of Ministry Service We are all looking forward to the Renewal of Ministry Service for Kristin+ on Thursday, November 19th, at 7:00 p.m. Following the service, we are planning a reception with pickup type food items: tiny sandwiches, cheese and crackers, breads, veggies, fruit, desserts. If you are able to help provide refreshments, please contact Carolyn Etzler mahs64@aol.com or Joan Fader faderj1@juno.com…