- The Shell Newsletter – January 30, 2025
- Embracing Oneself as an Icon
- The Shell Newsletter – January 23, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 16, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
If you or someone you know is looking for a part-time salaried job, the St. James’ Thrift Shop is currently looking to hire a new store manager. All applicants must have retail experience and be able to work 30 to 35 hours per week. Please email your resume to rector@stjamesmtairy.org.
Please help restock the Thrift Shop’s housekeeping closet- supplies are getting low. Batteries for donated toys, packing and masking tape, paper products and more are needed. Please take some slips from the poster in the Narthex before you leave today and return your donations to the marked bin under the table. Thank you so much for helping the Thrift Shop – the…
Dear St. James’ Parish Family, The holy season of Lent is nearly upon us. Yes, it is early this year! Ash Wednesday is February 10th, which means Easter will be March 27th. But before we get to the empty tomb, we must first encounter ashes on our journey to the cross. One of my favorite prayers is the Invitation to Observe a Holy Lent…
Throughout the time of transition, the monthly Luck of the Pot dinner gatherings became a great way for the St. James’ family to come together in fellowship and strengthen community ties. The Youth Group hosted a fabulous Luck of the Pot in October shortly after Kristin+ arrived and then we took a break until the…
As many of you know, since early fall our dishwasher has been broken and, because of its age, cannot be repaired. Since St. James’ has a strong commitment to use washable china and silverware rather than disposable products, the Vestry voted to set aside the proceeds of the last Quartermania to go toward purchasing and installing a new dishwasher. To that end…
When you find yourself in the position to help someone, be happy and feel blessed because God is answering that person’s prayer through you. Remember: Our purpose on earth is not to get lost in the dark but to be a light to others, so that they may find way through us. God bless you ….. By Alberto Casing This winter was…
After such a mild beginning to winter, who would have thought that January would end with the “Blizzard of 2016”? We can’t wait to hear the many stories our Sunday School students will be telling us about their snow experiences. Some of our Sunday School activities have been rescheduled. The breakfast-in-a-bag group outreach project continues and we thank you for your donations…
Church is cancelled, but that doesn’t mean you can’t worship! Enjoy some prayer time at home using any of the following resources: Morning Prayer: http://www.missionstclare.com/english/index.html Daily Devotional: http://d365.org/ Read Sunday’s lessons: http://www.lectionarypage.net/
It is the policy of St. James’ Nursery School to allow church members to register their children for new spots in our Two, Preschool Three, and Prekindergarten Four classes before registration is open to the public. Completed applications with registration fees will be accepted in the Nursery School Office beginning at 8:00 AM on Monday, February 8. Please be aware that there…
We’re finally getting a taste of winter, and with it I know several folks have caught colds and flu bugs. Tis the season and all that! Along with prayers for happy healing I want to share a bit with you around communion practices that I return to every year at this time. There is no…