Newsletter/Blog (Page 59)

Now the Green Blade Riseth

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, May is the month that truly brings spring here in Maryland.  In April we enjoyed the first flowers and showers of the season, but now is the time when we see the deep green of new life spring forth.  It is no mistake that this is when we celebrate the…

Poetry as the Path

This week ends National Poetry Month.  In case you haven’t learned this about me yet, I’m a poetry hound.  I find so often in poems the images or words that either escape me when I try to articulate a thought or feeling – or the images and words that open up something new and set…

Easter Season of Prayer

The entire Episcopal Church has been invited by our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, to enter into a season of prayer for regions of the Anglican Communion that are experiencing violence and strife.  Please check out the link to learn more about what the churches in these regions are doing to be sources of support and hope. This Easter we will focus on Burundi, Central America,…

Brick Campaign ’16

In 2007, when we moved into St. James’ new building, a drawing was completed for our Memorial Garden and Columbarium area. The total expense was more than we could afford but several landscape and architectural items have been donated to the garden space as the years have gone by. Four lovely trees were planted, and a large rock with fountain system was…

St. James’ Thrift Shop News

Spring is finally here. Come on in and meet the new thrift shop manager. We have changed from fall and winter to spring and summer. Come check out all the great new items. We have daily sales that change frequently from our clothing to housewares to books and children’s toys and clothes to our jewelry…

St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

The Sunday School students had so much fun collecting colored eggs on the church grounds Easter morning – even though it was a chilly one! Thank you all for your egg donations and the neat surprises found inside. A visit from Rev. Portia+ On Tuesday, April the 5th, Rev. Portia+ will be at St. James’ for the blessing of the building dedication…