Newsletter/Blog (Page 57)

Reflections on Service

This Sunday three members of the team who went on the recent service trip to Texas will be offer reflections as part of the sermon at both services.  We will get to hear about the facility and program where they served, Straightway Training Center, and stories of their work and the people they met.  PowerPoint presentations for adults and with the Sunday…

The Feast of St. James

This Sunday we will celebrate our Feast of Title – the Feast of St. James.  The actual Feast of St. James is on July 25th annually, but we’ve transferred it to Sunday so we can celebrate together.  Part of that celebration will include the baptism of Lucas William Hartman.  How much do you know about St. James?  The blurb below is from…

St. James’ Thrift Shop News…

Hello my Thrifty Friends, As summer begins the shop is well stocked with a variety of things. You will find very unique items in our Thrifty Finds and our Craft Corner is exploding. Sales are posted on our face book page: Don’t forget every third Thursday is Thrifty Thursday. We are open until 6:00pm and…

Encounter Christ: Engage the World

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, In May Blix Winston, St. James’ Delegate, and I attended 232nd Annual Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. It was a full two days of worship, elections, workshops, conversation, and voting on resolutions. Here are our reflections. Kristin+ The two things that stood out for me at Convention this year were the keynote speech by The Very Rev. Mike…

Music Director Search

St. James’ Church is seeking a part-time Director of Music Ministries. Candidates should be competent pianists and organists and demonstrate an ability to work with volunteer choirs and musicians. The successful candidate will have experience with the tradition and liturgies of the Episcopal Church as well as the ability to accompany and lead the choir and congregation in a variety of musical…

College Student Trip to Kenya in June, 2017

Interested in working in schools in a rural village in Kenya?  St. John’s, in conjunction with the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, is leading a trip to Kenya with Kenya Connect. The grant will fund accommodations and food and most of the ground transportation.  Participants will pay for their own flights, visa, and passpost, and a small portion to ground transport. To learn…

Sing to the Lord a new song

It is with sadness for us at St. James’, and joy for our Music Director Len Langrick, that I share with you that Len will be leaving St. James’ later this summer.  Len came to us with an agreement to be an Interim Music Director through April of this year, and then agreed to stay a while longer.  Len has been doing…

We did it!!

We have reached our goal. A HUGE thank you to families and friends of the congregation. There is no way we could have done this without your support. From donations to a brunch, car washes to  IHOP- our summer outreach is now turning into a reality. We are looking forward to offering our help in Hungerford, Texas.…

Caring for One Another

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, Last week nine members of St. James’, along with some parents from the Nursery School, attended a CPR/AED training session. It’s always good for a community when there’s a core group who attend each service that know CPR. But what’s even better is the newly purchased AED we are sharing with the Nursery School. What is an AED? It’s…