Newsletter/Blog (Page 51)

M.A.D. Camp 2017

St. James’ is sponsoring another M.A.D. Camp for kids this summer and the play is entitled “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”  We are in need of items to outfit our young actors.  If you would be willing to donate or “loan” the below items we would be extremely happy!  They are: 1.  Men’s size small or boy’s size large long sleeve white dress shirts…

The Hard Questions

Our Easter adult formation series this year will be a series called The Hard Questions: Parenting with Doubt, Faithfulness, and Wonder.  It’s a program I created a few years ago because parents were always asking me how to answer their kids’ hard questions.  Throughout the five weeks, the course is designed to create a space to engage in those hard questions, and…

Coming Close to the Mystery of Easter

Last Sunday we gathered and waved our palms while letting Hosannas ring, and then stood in the shadow of the cross as we read the story of the last time Jesus came to Jerusalem.  I am always thrown by the swing of energy in that service – and wondered to a mentor once why we do it, why not just celebrate Palm…

An Episcopal Nun in Our Midst

A note from St. James’ member Paula Morrow, who is a member of The Worker Sisters and Brothers of the Holy Spirit: The Worker Sisters and Brothers of the Holy Spirit is an international Covenant Community that offers women and men, regardless of marital status, a path for individual spiritual growth through a life commitment to a Rule of Life. We are…

Entering the Holiest of Weeks

This Sunday we enter the holiest of weeks in the Christian calendar.  It is the time we set aside every year to walk Jesus’ last steps, that we may know some piece of the unimaginable love of God. It begins on Sunday when we gather outside for the Liturgy of the Palms.  We tell the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem…

News from the Thrift Shop Board

It is with joy that the Thrift Shop announces that Deb Schaeffer has agreed to join the Board beginning in April.  Deb’s addition will bring the Board back to a full complement of members, and strengthen the leadership team as she will join Misty Tieman as the second Co-Chair of the Board.

Experiencing Holy Week with Children

The Triduum – the Three Great Days – has for centuries upon centuries been a time for Christians to gather and retrace the last steps of Christ.  From Maundy Thursday to Good Friday to Holy Saturday, we as a community at St. James’ engage each year in profound and meaningful liturgies, many of which speak to children, but which are not always…