Newsletter/Blog (Page 50)

Go and Do Likewise

Greetings from high school camp week at Claggett!  As many of you know, church camp has a special place in my heart which is why I am so thankful the leadership at St. James’ supports my serving as chaplain for a week each summer. This year’s theme is Go and Do Likewise, and throughout the…

Prayers & Thanksgivings

Yet again as news unfolded of tragedy and violence this week, I was at a loss for words to pray with.  It is at times like these that I turn to scripture – and then to books of prayer and poetry.  I have a stash of favorites., but invariably one of the first places I look is the back of our Book…

Youth Summer Mission Trip Update

Thank you to everyone who supported our recent brunch and our dessert table at Quartermania!  Because of your generosity we have reached our fundraising goal of $1,000! Please pray for our youth and adults who to will participating in City Week from June 29 to July 4, as they work and learn in Baltimore:  Quinlan…

Seeking Nursery Care Attendant

With the retirement of our long time Nursery Care Attendant Susan, we are opening a search for this position.  We know that often times it is through word of mouth and personal connections that great people are found, so please share this with anyone you know who might be interested! Position:  St. James’ Episcopal Church…

Turning Toward Summer

This Sunday we gather for the Feast of Pentecost – the capstone to the Easter season and the day we celebrate the birth-day of the church.  Pentecost is a movable feast, as its date is dependent upon Easter.  This year it falls at the start of June, and is our hinge point into summer worship. As has become our routine, we will…

Diocesan Convention

Tomorrow and Saturday folks from around the diocese will be gathering for our annual convention.  Delegate Blix Winston, and alternate Carla Kaufman, and I will represent St. James’, and partake in this business of the church.  This year Presiding Bishop Michael Curry will be the featured guest, presiding at the opening Eucharist for convention and…

Let’s Go Fly A Kite!

This Sunday, weather permitting, we will have our next Time-Out Together Family Ministry event – let’s go fly a kite!  Everyone in the St. James’ community is invited to bring a picnic lunch and a kite and join us in the field next to the church after the 10:30 am service.  I also hear from a reliable source that the giant bubble…

A Vision for Our Shared Life & Ministry

Over the last year and a half I’ve been listening to the Story and stories of St. James’.  It’s been a continuation of the work that began in conversations as you were calling me to be your next Rector.  Part of the work of that time of transition was to discern the identity of the parish so you could communicate it to…