- The Shell Newsletter – January 30, 2025
- Embracing Oneself as an Icon
- The Shell Newsletter – January 23, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 16, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
From the Rector – Reading Luke I read scripture, in some way or another, almost every single day. But the joy I’ve been finding in purposely reading through the Gospel of Luke using Forward Day by Day as a guide, has been unexpected. Part of what’s making it extraordinary, is knowing that I’m reading alongside…
From the Vestry The St. James’ vestry took part in a successful 2018 retreat last weekend. This year we started off Friday evening with fellowship and a pot luck dinner hosted at Jane Barger’s home. We enjoyed a delicious meal and conversation then we moved into scripture reflection with a focus on The Acts of…
From the Rector – Appalachia Here We Come-With Your Help! We are excited to share that so far TEN youth and adults from St. James’ will be going on the summer service trip to St. Timothy’s Outreach Center in Irvine, Kentucky! The cost of the trip is $450 per person, and we’ve asked everyone going…
From the Rector – The Great Litany We will begin the First Sunday in Lent this year with The Great Litany. This ancient prayer can be used at any time, but is especially appropriate in Lent because of its penitential tone. This intercessory prayer, which can be said or sung, was used as early as…
From the Rector – Entering the Holy Season of Lent We will be getting our celebration on next Tuesday with a fabulous pancake supper, Mardi Gras music, and an ALLELUIA banner to decorate. We will end the evening burning last year’s palms to make our ashes for Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is our doorway…
From the Rector – Delving Deep in Scripture & Community As we prepare to enter Lent in few of weeks, I want to invite you into a different kind of Lenten series this year. As you can read about in the Formation article below, we will be joining Episcopalians from across the country in reading…
From the Vestry The Vestry has now joined the rotation for Shell Newsletter articles and will be sharing monthly reflections after our regular meetings. Two of the things we discussed and approved last fall were the new LED parking lot lights and new LED fixtures over the side and rear doors. Several people have commented…
From the Rector – What Are You Waiting For? The time is NOW to sign up and join us for a life-changing service trip this summer! COMMIT NOW for the Summer 2018 Appalachia Service Trip – July 22-27 Parts of Appalachia remain some of the poorest areas in our country. The work we will be doing…
From the Rector – Candidates for Vestry Class 2018-2021 The Vestry Nominating Committee announced last month the candidates for our next Vestry class to be voted upon at our Annual Meeting on January 28th at 9:30 am. It is with joy that we now share with you their bios and pictures. Heather…
From the Rector – An Epiphany Tradition “Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill us with the light of Christ, that our concern for others may reflect your love.” Chalking the door is a fun way to mark the end of the 12 Days of Christmas and celebrate the Epiphany. It is a…