Newsletter/Blog (Page 44)

Amazon’s Fourth Annual Prime Day

Amazon’s Fourth Annual Prime Day is coming up on Tuesday, July 17 and will feature one-of-a-kind deals exclusively for Prime members. This is one of the biggest shopping days of the year and a great time to shop at and Amazon will donate to St James Episcopal Church.  Check out the Prime Day Guide…

A is for Africa Thanks You!

Each year our Sunday School children decorate mite boxes for our lenten donation to A is for Africa.  Church members participate by picking up a box and collecting their loose change during lent and returning their full box at our ingathering on Easter Day. Our presentation was made to Rick and Mary Anne Smith, Directors of…

The Shell Newsletter – June 7, 2018

Reception After Memorial Service for Jon Fader The church is planning to honor Jon Fader by providing a reception after the memorial service for Family and friends. We are requesting some type of finger food like small sandwiches, chips, brownies, etc.  Please contact Cheryl Windsor at if you are able to bring something.  Some folks have received a prior email so…

The Shell Newsletter – May 31, 2018

Rector – Have You Heard We’re Moving To A Summer Schedule? We’ve been talking about it since Easter, so I hope you know that on Sunday, June 10 we’re moving to a summer schedule with one service only at 9:30 am. I wrote extensively about the “why” here (, but the short answer is to have more of a critical mass in…

The Shell Newsletter – May 24, 2018

Vestry – Replenish & Establish Going Forward Thanks to the generosity of this community, we have 56 pledges/donations for a total of $180,865 – just shy of our $185,000 goal for our Replenish & Establish Project.  Of the total pledged, we have received $66,517 to date.  You may be wondering, now what? As the goal of the Replenish & Establish Project stated,…