Newsletter/Blog (Page 39)

The Shell Newsletter – February 28, 2019

Vestry Over the weekend of February 22-23, the Vestry met at The Claggett Center for prayer, reflection and discussion.  As part of our continuing work on Congregational Development, we are looking at the identity of St. James’.  “Congregational development is the development of congregations of all sizes, locations and conditions into more faithful, healthy and…

Reach the Mountaintop – Appalachia Service Trip

We’re returning to Barnes Mountain and St. Timothy’s Outreach Center this July – and the deadline to sign up is NOW! Join folks from St. James’ and St. Andrew’s, Glenwood for a week of community building and construction projects in Kentucky from July 21-27. New this year will be a day trip to Berea College…

Pastoral Letter

Dear St. James’ family, Please hold in prayer all those affected by partial shutdown of the Federal Government.  Check on friends and neighbors who are facing the stress of work stopped, family rhythms interrupted, and financial strain.  Keep in prayer everyone impacted, and reach out to support those you know who may be hurting –…