- The Shell Newsletter – January 30, 2025
- Embracing Oneself as an Icon
- The Shell Newsletter – January 23, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 16, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
During this week’s Stewardship Moment our Sunday School kids shared their light. Watch below.
From the Rector – Will You Serve? There are many great ways to serve at St. James’, both at church and in the wider community. One way that uniquely combines both is our Thrift Shop. The Thrift Shop is our oldest continuous Outreach program. It was founded 51 years ago and has served the Mt.…
Hi. I’m Jeannie Pellicier and today is the Kick-off to our month of Stewardship. You should have received a packet and a paper star when you walked in this morning from the ushers. If you did not, please see them after the service. In your packet, there is a letter that asks the question, “How…
If we pause to consider what are the spiritual practices that are the foundation of our faith as Christians and the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, most of us would probably put Sunday Worship and the celebration of the Eucharist at the top of our list. The liturgy of the word and the table are where we come to be blessed,…
From the Rector – St. Francis & the Blessing of the Animals This Sunday you’re invited to bring your pets to church! Whether they’re cats, dogs, reptiles, birds, or guinea pigs (or anything else), bring them for a blessing and for the sheer joy of worshipping God with all creation. This custom developed in remembrance…
Vestry I hope you have had a chance to participate in some of our September events such as the Ministry Fair, Grace & Grub dinners and the Basket Raffle. If not, there are plenty of happenings in October! First, our Fall Work Day is scheduled for October 5th (rain date 10/12). This is a great…
From the Rector – Hildegard of Bingen – Spiritual Guide for the Age Tuesday was the feast day of Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179). Benedictine nun, visionary, mystic, poet, musician, and naturalist – she was one of the most extraordinary figures of the Middle Ages. At the age of sixty she undertook four preaching tours through the…
The Rev. Dina van Klaveren and The Rev. Kristin Krantz join forces to present a Lunchtime Bible Study using Zoom Video Conferencing. Join them online for lunch where they will be discussing scripture stories that are meaningful to our lives for four Thursdays this fall (10/24, 10/31, 11/7, and 11/14) from 12:10 pm to 12:50…
From the Rector – The Basket Raffle is Here! This Sunday we kick off our biggest FUNdraiser of the year with the 13th annual Basket Raffle and Silent Auction. Tickets will be on sale after both services and the bidding sheets will be out and ready. There are over 60 themed baskets you can take…
Our Basket Brigade has been very busy and the completed baskets are on display in the sanctuary along with this year’s special assortment of silent auction items. There will also be 2 special raffles this year. We will begin selling tickets for all items this Sunday, September 15. HERE’S A SNEAK PEEK: