Newsletter/Blog (Page 34)

What Cool Toys Are Abandoned In Your Closet?

What cool toys are abandoned in your closet? Our Thrift Shop with the help of Andrew Gobien (Vestry Member and Thrift Shop Liaison) has been selling items on ebay for more than a year.  Online sales of donations to the Thrift Shop currently provide between 5 and 10% of total sales, but there is the…

Stewardship Moment – October 27, 2019

St. James’ has shined its light on my life in so many different ways.  The most special way is by introducing me to the wide variety of youth activities in church and in religion.  St. James’ Youth Group was the first time I saw how many opportunities youth have to make their relationship with God…

Stewardship Moment – October 20, 2019

How does one shine their light?   I’d like to share my experience with you………. Over 40 years ago when my family moved to Mt. Airy, we began attending St. James’ Church.  We immediately felt welcomed, and our children became involved in the Sunday School program.  Some of you were here to see my children grow…

15 Reasons Why You Should Donate Blood

Donating blood can feel intimidating – maybe you’re not a fan of needles, or maybe you think there’s just not enough time in the day. Your lifesaving donation is sure to be worth it, though. Here are a few of the reasons why you should donate blood: Your single blood donation has the potential to…