Newsletter/Blog (Page 31)

Monday 3/16 Update

Dear St. James’ family, Things continue to change daily, and in order to keep up with information sharing we will using Facebook as our primary communication tool.  We will also be updating our website regularly and sending parish emails like this one as needed. Here is a link to our first Facebook Live with news about virtual…

Sunday 3/15 Worship

Dear St. James’ family, I will miss worshiping with you tomorrow but hope that you will find spiritual refreshment through watching the live-stream of the service at the National Cathedral where Presiding Bishop Curry will be preaching. The service begins at 11:00 am – click here to tune in. You can also click here for additional at home prayer…

The Shell Newsletter – March 12, 2020

From the Rector – Live Streaming Worship Begins this Sunday There’s a lot going on right now in the world and in our church.  We are taking seriously the CDC recommendations around healthy practices (wash your hands!) and the need for vulnerable populations (those over 60 or with compromised immune systems) to practice “social distancing”…

March 12 COVID-19 Update

Dear St. James Family, Today I write with a few updates for our communal life as it is affected by the coronavirus COVID-19.  In addition, I share with you below the latest guidance from our Bishop.  I have been fielding calls and emails about news that Episcopal churches are closing for the next 2 weeks. …

COVID-19 (coronavirus) Update from St. James’

As news about the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 changes daily, parish leaders and I have been monitoring the situation closely and seeking guidance from our Bishop, the wider church, and public health officials.  For the latest on COVID-19 from the CDC please click here and consider signing up for daily email updates from the…