Newsletter/Blog (Page 29)

The Shell Newsletter – April 16, 2020

From the Rector No really, how are you doing? Last month Bishop Sutton began holding weekly Zoom meetings with all the clergy and senior wardens in the Diocese.  I have really appreciated gathering to pray and hear from Diocesan leadership, and for the chance to check in with each other. Yesterday he reflected on three…

Easter Formation

Easter Bible Study This Eastertide join Rev. Kristin and others in the Way of Love 50 Day Bible Challenge.  Using the book of the same name, we will read individually during the week and gather on Mondays at 7:00 pm on Zoom to pray, reflect, and discuss the previous week’s readings together. The Way of…

Easter Day Worship and Coffee

EASTER DAY 9:30 am           St. James’ – Zoom/YouTube livestream ZOOM TIPS We recognize that everyone has different levels of comfort with technology.  Here are some tips for those for whom this is new: Follow the prompts from Zoom once you click on the link above, saying yes to audio and video You can use a…

Triduum Worship & Good Friday Offering

Kristin+ and Richard have prepared reflections and music for each day of the Triduum.  They will be posted to Facebook and YouTube.  You will receive a link via email each morning. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WORSHIP SERVICES MAUNDY THURSDAY 7:00 pm           Cathedral of the Incarnation –  Livestream GOOD FRIDAY Noon                  Cathedral of the Incarnation – Livestream EASTER VIGIL 7:00 pm          …