- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 2, 2025
- A Christmas Message from our Presiding Bishop
- A Christmas Blessing
- The Shell Newsletter – December 19, 2024
We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field. All attendees must abide by the provisions of the Covenant for Regathering, including: wearing a mask maintaining physical distancing from those not in your household only attending when non-symptomatic for COVID-19 or any other transmittable disease abstaining from attending if…
From the Rector The one where I talk about prayer. Again. Today while sitting for a spell to think and pray in the Memorial Garden, I spied a hawk gliding high in the sky above, circling and probably searching for lunch. It brought to mind a poem by Mary Oliver. As far as poems go,…
Join us on The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost for the Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook. A printable bulletin is available here. We will “open the doors” beginning at 10:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning. Kristin+ will give…
From the Rector Prayers when you feel anxious One of good things that came out of the last few months was so many organizations and companies creating free resources. One in particular that I have loved using is the Prayers When You Feel Anxious coloring pages from Illustrated Ministry. I shared it on Facebook earlier…
Join us on The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost for the Liturgy of the Word at 10:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook. A printable bulletin is available here. We will “open the doors” beginning at 10:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning. Kristin+ will give…
From the Rector In Person & Online Worship ~ 2 Services Begin This Sunday Beginning this Sunday we transition back to two services. We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field (more details on that below), and at 10:30 am we will gather on Zoom and livestream…
Join us on The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost for the Liturgy of the Word at 9:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook. A printable bulletin is available here. We will “open the doors” beginning at 9:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning. Kristin+…
Vestry It has been over three months since St. James’ has held a church service in our church building – there are times it seems like 3 weeks and other times like an eternity! Your Vestry, the Nursery Board and the Thrift Board have continued to hold Zoom meetings each month (and Vestry more often)…
Join us on The Third Sunday after Pentecost for the Liturgy of the Word at 9:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook. A printable bulletin is available here. We will “open the doors” beginning at 9:15 am for folks to greet each other and say good morning. Kristin+ will give…
From the Rector – Re-Gathering Update The Re-Gathering Team has been meeting and working on an action plan to re-open our building for office and group use, and for outdoor in-person worship. Our tentative goal is for offices to open back up on June 29, and for outdoor worship to begin in early July –…