- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 2, 2025
- A Christmas Message from our Presiding Bishop
- A Christmas Blessing
- The Shell Newsletter – December 19, 2024
INDOOR HOLY EUCHARIST Reserve Your Seats Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on…
From the Rector Covid Updates for Worship Yesterday the diocese released updated guidelines for congregations based on both the recent CDC recommendations for those who are fully vaccinated, and our commitment to be a community of love that follows the gospel call to care for the vulnerable among us, especially those in our congregation who…
INDOOR HOLY EUCHARIST Reserve Your Seats Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on…
From the Rector Nursery School Executive Director Search I am pleased to share that we have officially opened the search for the next Executive Director of St. James’ Nursery School. The job is posted at the top of our Facebook page – please share it widely! Interested persons should review the position description and email me…
INDOOR HOLY EUCHARIST Reserve Your Seats Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on…
From the Rector Leadership Transitions Update As previously announced, our longtime Nursery School Business Manager, Sharon Hansen, is retiring at the end of the month after 40 years of service to St. James’ Nursery School. Several months ago, in anticipation of Sharon leaving, the vestry began exploring the possibility of expanding the business manager…
INDOOR HOLY EUCHARIST Reserve Your Seats Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on…
From the Rector Summer Worship – A Return to Two In-Person Services Beginning Sunday, May 30th we will be making a major transition in our worship schedule with the return to two in-person services. After more than a year of online and hybrid worship, this will be a big change – and one I…
INDOOR HOLY EUCHARIST Reserve Your Seats Based on Diocesan guidelines and the size of our sanctuary our max capacity for this service will be 40 people. This means that if you would like to attend the 8:30 am service you will need to sign up in advance. The link to sign up will be in the Shell Newsletter every week and on…
Vestry New Vestry Member Rainey Stafford has volunteered to serve on our Vestry! She will be completing the remainder of Vivian Carden’s term. When you see her, please thank her for stepping forward. Rainey, we look forward to working with you. Since our meetings are still socially distant, you’re exempt from the “New person must…