Newsletter/Blog (Page 15)

Change to Worship for January 2, 2022

This Sunday there will only be one in-person worship service at 10:30 am. It will be livestreamed on Facebook. Out of an abundance of caution we will not have any congregational singing this week. A reminder of our Covid mitigation measures: mandatory mask use – masks should be well fitted and cover both mouth and nose…

The Advent Wreath At Home

Last Sunday many folks picked up wreath frames and candles and greens for making Advent wreaths at home. If you weren’t able to attend don’t worry, we still have plenty of supplies! You can stop by during weekday office hours or pick up stuff on Sunday. Now here’s a bit about the history and meaning…

The Shell Newsletter – November 18, 2021

November 18, 2021 From the Rector Always we begin again We are a little over a week away from the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new church year. I love that every year we begin again with a season of expectation and anticipation – both for the annual celebration of the…

The Shell Newsletter – November 4, 2021

November 4, 2021 From the Rector A season for giving thanks We’re coming close to the end of this year’s stewardship campaign with Pledge Consecration Sunday on November 14, but that doesn’t mean our focus on hope and gratitude has to end. All month long you’re invited to add to our wall of thanksgiving every…