Newsletter/Blog (Page 14)

The Shell Newsletter – March 3, 2022

From the Rector New Diocesan COVID Guidelines The diocese has released new Green Omicron Phase guidelines to gather the next steps of our regathering. You can click here to read full details. The big thing that everyone is wondering about is when will masks become optional. Under the new parameters we can begin optional masking…

The Shell Newsletter – February 3, 2022

This Sunday we will celebrate Scouts with participation and blessing of our very own BSA Troop 829.  Please check out the Annual Report to read about all the amazing accomplishments and activities of our boys and girls.  After worship you will have a final chance to partake in this year’s popcorn sale. The Trail’s End Popcorn Sale is Troop 829’s main fundraiser…

The Shell Newsletter – January 27, 2022

Vestry     Please plan to attend our annual meeting at 9:30 this Sunday, January 30th. Both the annual meeting and the combined worship service will be held on Zoom.  The service will also be live-streamed to Facebook. Our COVID numbers are dropping pretty quickly – Maryland and Maine have the lowest case rates in the nation – but we’re still above…

Worship Update for January 16, 2022

Dear St. James’ family, In consultation with our Senior Warden and Music Director I have made the decision to move worship to Zoom this Sunday, 1/16/22. We will gather at 10:30 am, and the service will be livestreamed to Facebook as well. The reason for this decision is twofold. First, I am sorry to report that a member of my family tested…