- The Shell Newsletter – January 9, 2025
- The Shell Newsletter – January 2, 2025
- A Christmas Message from our Presiding Bishop
- A Christmas Blessing
- The Shell Newsletter – December 19, 2024
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry’s Easter Message 2022 Holy Week and Easter Day Worship Information Join us this evening for Holy Eucharist with Anointing of Hands for Service at 7:30 pm, or watch the livestream on Facebook. A printable bulletin can be found HERE. Lectionary Readings Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Psalm 116:1, 10-17 John…
Holy Week and Easter Day Worship Information Join us on April 10th for Palm Sunday at 8:30 am or 10:30 am, or watch the 10:30 am service livestreamed on Facebook. A printable bulletin is available here. Lectionary Readings for this Sunday Zechariah 9:9-12 Philippians 2:5-11 Luke 19:28-40 Luke 22:14-23:56 (The Passion) Facebook Livestream We plan to begin…
From the Rector Preparing for Sabbatical Time In three months we will be launching into a time of sabbatical when I will be stepping away from the St. James’ community for fourteen weeks. As you may recall, in 2020 we were awarded a clergy renewal grant from the Lilly Foundation. This grant will be funding…
Vestry As you know, three individuals in our parish really stepped up their volunteering at the Thrift Shop after our paid manager couldn’t work anymore. The Thrift Shop Board presented a proposal to the vestry that offloads some administrative tasks from our key volunteer leaders. The vestry approved their proposal unanimously. We’re thankful for the leadership…
From the Rector Diocesan COVID Green Phase Update Great news! Our case rates in Carroll County have fallen low enough that we will enter the diocesan green phase next week. This will mean several changes for our life together in the coming weeks as we slowly build a “new normal.” Mask Use Beginning Monday 3/21…
From the Rector Bishop Search Listening Sessions & Survey As you may remember, last year Bishop Sutton called for the election of a bishop coadjutor as he plans to retire in 2024. The Bishop Search Committee is hard at work developing a search profile and there are two upcoming ways for you to participate. The…
From the Rector New Diocesan COVID Guidelines The diocese has released new Green Omicron Phase guidelines to gather the next steps of our regathering. You can click here to read full details. The big thing that everyone is wondering about is when will masks become optional. Under the new parameters we can begin optional masking…
Vestry First, the vestry thanks all of you who participated in our annual meeting January 30th, it was good to have a strong turnout for this. The vestry met with Bishop Ihloff on Tuesday, February 15th, after his visit to preach and confirm members of St. James’ on Sunday. He was pleased to see young…
Journeying Through Lent This year for Lent, which begins in less than two weeks, we’re leaning into the image of journeying. We’ll begin on Shrove Tuesday 3/1 when we gather for fellowship, to burn last year’s palms, to bury an alleluia banner, and to pray Compline. There is a simple beauty that journey of taking…
Entering Lent We are a few weeks away from once again entering the holy season of Lent. Shrove Tuesday is March 1st and Ash Wednesday is March 2nd. Like many of you, the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper is one of my favorite events of the year. That’s why I’m sorry to share that after consideration…