From the Rector Compline in Lent – The Daily Office in Practice Last fall our parish intern Tommy Turbyville led some conversations exploring praying the Daily Office, which then led into weekly Compline services during Advent. It was a meaningful practice for those who were able to come, and a group spearheaded by Jeannie Pellicier…
Vestry Our Vestry Retreat last weekend was filled with laughter, scripture, moments of silence and good discussion. The following were lifted up to be an Officer/Liaison of the Vestry: Ty Conlon – Jr. Warden Dave Rak – Clerk Andrew Gobien – Thrift Store Liaison Vivian Carden – Nursery School Liaison Jeannie Pellicier – Outreach Liaison…
Sabbatical & Renewal Plans – Upcoming Q&A Sessions The Renewal Team has had much fruitful conversation imagining and planning for the time Kristin+ will be away on sabbatical for 12 weeks in 2021. We’ve covered things large and small – from thinking about what clergy coverage will look like, to details about the timeline, to…
From the Rector – Sources of Transformation A few weeks ago at our Annual Meeting I taught one of the core models from the College for Congregational Development – Sources of Transformation. This model seeks to illustrate the various ways in which our faith and lives are transformed when we gather together as the body…
The Renewal Team – Sabbatical & Congregational Renewal As I shared at the Annual Meeting, I am planning to take a sabbatical next year. I began talking with the Vestry two years ago about my hopes for taking a sabbatical, and identified 2021 as the right time. I will be completing my sixth full year…
The Renewal Team – Sabbatical & Congregational Renewal As I shared at the Annual Meeting, I am planning to take a sabbatical next year. I began talking with the Vestry two years ago about my hopes for taking a sabbatical, and identified 2021 as the right time. I will be completing my sixth full year…
From the Rector – Vacation Bible School Update To better match our upcoming VBS program with the number of volunteers able to participate in planning and leading, we are changing up our plans. We are now planning for a week long, half day camp (9:00 am – Noon) centered on the theme WAY OF LOVE. …
REBUILD PUERTO RICO On Sunday, February 9, 2020 we will join with our Diocese in support of our brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico. Here’s the call to action along with a link to donate directly. You can also drop a donation in the offering plate on Sunday. Please help rebuild Puerto Rico. Whether or…
Vestry There is a lot of news from Vestry this month so grab a comfy chair and a cup of coffee to read on! At the Annual Business Meeting this past Sunday, we voted in 3 new members to Vestry. Welcome to Matt Kastel, Dave Rak and Vivian Carden. We are so thankful for their…
From the Rector – Why Do We Do That? – How2charist Whether you’re a lifelong Episcopalian or new to this branch of the church, you’ve probably had the stray thought (or active question!) about why we do some of the things we do during worship. Or maybe your experience on Sundays is so ingrained that…