Sermon Archive (Page 26)

A Sermon for the Fourth Sunday in Advent 2014

“Nothing will be impossible with God.” It’s a simple, startling pronouncement from the angel Gabriel, one that, perhaps, we still have a hard time believing. And the difficulty lies not in those kind of existential conundrums that high school philosophers are so fond of, like: “Can God create a stone so heavy God can’t lift it?” No, the difficulty here is much…

A Sermon for the Third Sunday of Advent 2014

In case you were wondering, we didn’t run out of blue candles. Our Advent candle is pink today for a reason. It is the third Sunday of Advent, sometimes called ‘Rose Sunday,” but traditionally known as “Gaudete Sunday,” ‘gaudete being a Latin word that means ‘rejoice,’ because the proper introit for the day begins with that word. Our ancestors, in their wisdom,…