Vestry (Page 5)

The Shell Newsletter – February 28, 2019

Vestry Over the weekend of February 22-23, the Vestry met at The Claggett Center for prayer, reflection and discussion.  As part of our continuing work on Congregational Development, we are looking at the identity of St. James’.  “Congregational development is the development of congregations of all sizes, locations and conditions into more faithful, healthy and…

The Shell Newsletter – November 29, 2018

Vestry – Congregational Life Cycle A few months ago, Rev. Kristin shared her reflections on the education and training we received at the College for Congregational Development last June.  In her Shell article she explained that Congregation Development (CD) is the development of congregations of all sizes, locations, and conditions into more faithful, healthy, and…

The Shell Newsletter – October 25, 2018

Vestry UPDATE:  The Maryland Diocesan Resolution 2018-2 – Offer Caring, Practical Response to the Opioid Crisis in Our Communities On October 10, 2018, four individuals from St. James’, Janet McKeever, Meghan McKeever, Katie McKeever, and Rev. Kristin, attended a training hosted by Frederick County Behavioral Health Services on how to recognize, respond, and administer a…

The Shell Newsletter – May 24, 2018

Vestry – Replenish & Establish Going Forward Thanks to the generosity of this community, we have 56 pledges/donations for a total of $180,865 – just shy of our $185,000 goal for our Replenish & Establish Project.  Of the total pledged, we have received $66,517 to date.  You may be wondering, now what? As the goal of the Replenish & Establish Project stated,…

The Shell Newsletter – April 26, 2018

Vestry Timing is everything and everything is in God’s timing.  We were honored and blessed to announce at the celebration for our Replenish and Establish project, the total amount raised as of Sunday April 22, 2018 was $176,930.00.  During the 9:30 celebration, we participated in a festive coffee hour and thanked everyone for their sacrifice and contribution. In addition, we recognized the…