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Now the Green Blade Riseth

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, May is the month that truly brings spring here in Maryland.  In April we enjoyed the first flowers and showers of the season, but now is the time when we see the deep green of new life spring forth.  It is no mistake that this is when we celebrate the…

Poetry as the Path

This week ends National Poetry Month.  In case you haven’t learned this about me yet, I’m a poetry hound.  I find so often in poems the images or words that either escape me when I try to articulate a thought or feeling – or the images and words that open up something new and set…

The Three Great Days Which Guide Us to Easter

This Sunday we celebrate the Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, and with it we enter Holy Week.  For centuries upon centuries Christians have been gathering together to retrace the last steps of the Christ.  This is what we do when we gather on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday to prepare for the joy of Easter Day.  We believe that…

Smells & Bells

Let my prayer rise up like incense before you, the lifting up of my hands as an offering to you. ~Psalm 141   The use of incense in worship goes back to our earliest scriptures.  Within the Episcopal Church the use of incense is varied – from “Smokey Mary’s” in New York City to “low churches” where the word ‘thurifur’ sounds like…

Holy Week and Easter at Saint James’

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, The warm weather as February is turning into March is a reminder that spring always follows winter, just as the empty tomb always follows the cross. We are deep in Lent, and our eyes are being turned toward the three great days and the day of the resurrection. For as much as…