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Sabbatical Newsletter, Issue 2, May 10, 2022

Sabbatical Newsletter, Issue 2, May 10, 2022 A Sabbatical Prayer Guide us, Lord, as we all journey through the months ahead together. Help us to walk trustingly in faith with our parish family and to serve one another humbly. May we always be aware of your presence and direction in all we do. Amen. For this second issue…

The Shell Newsletter – November 4, 2021

November 4, 2021 From the Rector A season for giving thanks We’re coming close to the end of this year’s stewardship campaign with Pledge Consecration Sunday on November 14, but that doesn’t mean our focus on hope and gratitude has to end. All month long you’re invited to add to our wall of thanksgiving every…

The Shell Newsletter – March 11, 2021

From the Rector Holy Week & Easter resources and services As we approach the upcoming most sacred week of the church year, we are planning services to fit our current “hybrid” model of in-person and online offerings, as well as preparing at-home prayer resources. Mark your calendar now to stop by the church from Noon-1:00 pm on Saturday 3/27 to pick up your…

2/28/2021 Worship Information

The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland has suspended all indoor worship due to increasing COVID-19 numbers until further notice. We will continue to worship online at 10:30 am on Zoom and Facebook. Join us on the Second Sunday in Lent for Morning Prayer at 10:30 am followed by Zoom Coffee Hour, or watch the service livestreamed on Facebook.  A printable bulletin is available here. We…

9/20/2020 Worship Information

We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field.  All attendees must abide by the provisions of the Covenant for Regathering, including: wearing a mask maintaining physical distancing from those not in your household only attending when non-symptomatic for COVID-19 or any other transmittable disease abstaining from attending if…

8/30/2020 Worship Information

We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field.  All attendees must abide by the provisions of the Covenant for Regathering, including: wearing a mask maintaining physical distancing from those not in your household only attending when non-symptomatic for COVID-19 or any other transmittable disease abstaining from attending if…

The Shell Newsletter for July 23, 2020

From the Rector Grace Groups 2.0 – What’s Next? Back in early April, as the COVID-19 pandemic was first unfolding, we launched Grace Groups.  Every household in our congregation was assigned to a small group overseen by a Shepherd.  The hope was that these small groups could help people stay connected as the stay at…

7/19/2020 Sunday Worship Information

We will gather at 8:30 am outside for Holy Eucharist in the Memorial Garden and field.  All attendees must abide by the provisions of the Covenant for Regathering, including: wearing a mask maintaining physical distancing from those not in your household only attending when non-symptomatic for COVID-19 or any other transmittable disease abstaining from attending if…