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Reflections on the Situation in Baltimore

The news from Baltimore has touched all of us in one way or another. It may be the injury and death of Freddie Gray, or the grief of his family and community, or the anger of many, or the peaceful marches, or the violent protests, or the looting and destruction of property, or the history of mistrust, inequality and injustice that gets…

A Message from Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett…

The following article is the second of a 2 part series written by Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett. It is in response to some recent questions from parishioners about the vestments worn by clergy and other participants during a worship service. Decorative Vestments The long strip of decorated cloth that ministers drape around their necks is a Stole. The stole was a sign of rank…

A Message from Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett…

The following article is the first of a 2 part series written by Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett. It is in response to some recent questions from parishioners. One of the things I do in my spare time is design and make vestments and paraments for churches that commission me. The beautiful things we use to decorate our churches and worship leaders are also strange –…

A Message from Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett…

Everything is happening too soon this year. Easter is on the early side, which means that Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent are just around the corner. On February 17th we will gorge ourselves on pancakes and all the fixings (an ancient way to use up all the butter in the larder before the Lenten fast begins) and the next…

Epiphany, Theophany, and the Baptism of Jesus

January brings celebrations of some of the most public events of the life of Jesus. Holy Name Day on January first, which we used to call the Feast of the Circumcision, remembers Jesus being presented in the Temple by his parents to fulfill the rituals that name and claim a baby boy for Judaism. The Feast of the Epiphany on January sixth marks the…

Saint Nicholas …

December 6 is the Feast of Saint Nicholas of Myra, whom we know better by another name. He is, of course, the inspiration for some of our Christmas traditions, but have you ever wondered who he really was, or why we remember him? Nicholas was born over 1700 years ago in the year 280 CE in Patara, a part of Turkey that in those days…

Reflections for The Holiday Season …

You have probably noticed that even before Halloween, Christmas displays were starting to pop up in the stores. You have likely heard friends and neighbors complaining about it too – about the commercialization of Christmas and the stretching out of the holiday season, and maybe even about the Baseball season too, and how the boys of summer are…

Reflections for October…

Lots of people who have been Episcopalians for a long time wonder what happened to Morning Prayer. This is a simple question with a complicated answer, since it touches on how we understand scripture, the history of the church and our country, the successes and failures of the Reformation and of course our personal experiences and memories. So…

Reflections for September …

Fall is approaching, and the program year begins again at Saint James, so we welcome back the Sunday School and the Choir, along with the many members of our church family who have been away for all or part of the summer. But for most Episcopalians, autumn also means the coming of something that many of us anticipate…