The Shell (Page 15)

Weekly electronic newsletter

The Shell Newsletter – August 27, 2020

From the Rector Diocesan Convention Resolutions Our annual diocesan convention, which usually happens in May, was postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will now take place mostly virtually on September 12. St. James’ delegate Carla Kaufman and I will both be attending. Pre-Convention hearings on the proposed resolutions will also take place virtually this…

The Shell Newsletter – August 20, 2020

Vestry August at St. James always seems like a sleepy month – many folks are on vacations or focused on preparing their children to start school.  But, many parishioners and committees are busy preparing for this fall. The Sunday School teachers recently had discussions with parents to envision what classes could look like this fall.…

The Shell Newsletter – August 6, 2020

From the Rector – Supporting St. James’ Thrift Shop Today I have two asks for you – prayer and action. First, please keep our Thrift Shop Manager Sandy Baker in prayer as she faces some serious health issues (not COVID related).  Please also keep our dedicated staff (Becki, Sergio, Jeanne, and Ed), and the volunteers who…

The Shell Newsletter – July 30, 2020

Vestry Compassion Camp This week, approximately 16 children from St. James’ and St. Andrews’ Episcopal Churches are attending the first Virtual VBS Compassion Camp.  You’re probably asking “How does this work?”  Honestly, we weren’t sure either at the beginning of the week!!  But, I can say with confidence, it is a huge success!  What a joy it…