From the Rector (Page 8)

The Shell Newsletter – May 21, 2020

From the Rector Next Steps For Worship  Following up on my Shell article from last week, here are some more details about the next steps for our worship. As I shared previously, in addition to Governor Hogan’s stages for re-opening for our state, we also must work within the guidelines of our diocese.  Last weekend…

The Shell Newsletter – May 14, 2020

Update Our Path Forward Together As you have likely now heard, Maryland’s stay at home order ends tomorrow at 5:00 pm.  With this the Governor has given the green light for the resumption of outdoor church services and limited indoor worship, and non-essential businesses may reopen by following strict health and safety guidelines.  As I…

The Shell Newsletter – April 16, 2020

From the Rector No really, how are you doing? Last month Bishop Sutton began holding weekly Zoom meetings with all the clergy and senior wardens in the Diocese.  I have really appreciated gathering to pray and hear from Diocesan leadership, and for the chance to check in with each other. Yesterday he reflected on three…

March 30 Church Update

This morning, Gov. Larry Hogan enacted an executive order which institutes a Stay at Home directive. No Maryland resident should be leaving their home unless it is for an essential job or for an essential reason, such as obtaining food or medicine, seeking urgent medical attention, or for other necessary purposes. In addition, only essential businesses…

Introducing St. James’ Grace Groups

Dear St. James’ family, With the news last week that we will be unable to gather for public worship through at least May 15, we raised up staying connected, staying church, and taking care of each other as our guiding vision for how we respond to this pandemic.  To this end Vestry members have reached…