Announcements (Page 25)

Parish Administrator

Food for the Poor

This Sunday, August 13,  please welcome The Rev. Robert Deshaies as our visiting clergy while Kristin+ is away.  Rev. Deshaies will share his personal witness about Food For The Poor’s mission to care for the destitute as a means of living out the Gospel mandate to love one another as the provide direct relief to the poor throughout Latin America and the…

Confirmation Program Begins this Fall

Calling all youth and parents!  We will be beginning a Confirmation program in September for any High School youth who are interested in exploring their faith and discerning Confirmation in the Episcopal Church. We will meet once a month from October through March and have a weekend retreat in April.  For those who want to be confirmed we will join with others…

Seeking Nursery Care Attendant

With the retirement of our long time Nursery Care Attendant Susan, we are opening a search for this position.  We know that often times it is through word of mouth and personal connections that great people are found, so please share this with anyone you know who might be interested! Position:  St. James’ Episcopal Church…

M.A.D. Camp 2017

St. James’ is sponsoring another M.A.D. Camp for kids this summer and the play is entitled “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”  We are in need of items to outfit our young actors.  If you would be willing to donate or “loan” the below items we would be extremely happy!  They are: 1.  Men’s size small or boy’s size large long sleeve white dress shirts…

An Episcopal Nun in Our Midst

A note from St. James’ member Paula Morrow, who is a member of The Worker Sisters and Brothers of the Holy Spirit: The Worker Sisters and Brothers of the Holy Spirit is an international Covenant Community that offers women and men, regardless of marital status, a path for individual spiritual growth through a life commitment to a Rule of Life. We are…

Current Mt Airy Net Needs

Mt Airy NET sends their thanks to all of us at St James for our generous donations to their food pantry.  It helps more than you know. Items that are currently needed are:  canned meat (tuna and chicken), personal care items such as shampoo and soap, toilet paper and paper towels, canned fruit, cereal and cake and brownie mix.  Great buys are…