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Sunday School News

September 7th – “Meet and Greet” 9:30-10:15 a.m. (lower level foyer) Registration for all grades preschool through high school Meet teaching staff, class registration, curriculum information, questions/answers. Cookie/juice table with coloring project available for children. September 14th – Classes begin 9:30-10:15 a.m. (lower level foyer) Preschool through 5th grade (or any child interested in singing!) will meet by the altar in the…

Landscaping News

Last winter’s cold, wind and snow had a negative effect on our lovely garden in front of the church building. Besides losing some medium-size plants to deer who bedded down in the garden, the crape myrtles and the laurel hedge under both windows suffered significant winter kill. Fortunately the trees have somewhat revived but the…

‘We are called to learn from and follow the example of Jesus’

A statement from the Bishop Suffragan-elect regarding recent events in Ferguson, Missouri ‘We are called to learn from and follow the example of Jesus’ Our nation has been gripped by the events in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting death by a police officer of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, on August 9. The shooting, and the violence that has ensued, are…

Suffragan Bishop-Elect Cook’s Ordination and Consecration

Our recently elected Bishop Suffragan of Maryland, the Rev. Canon Heather Cook, will be ordained and consecrated at the Church of the Redeemer in Baltimore on Saturday, September 6, 2014. During the service, it is customary that a newly elected bishop be given symbols of that office from the congregations of the diocese. These symbols include new vestments such as rochet, chimere,…

Are Not These Our Children?

A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Sutton July 22, 2014 Yesterday I joined with faith leaders from across Maryland to meet with Governor Martin O’Malley in Annapolis to address the humanitarian crisis facing our nation of the large numbers of young refugees seeking to enter into the United States. In recent weeks almost 60,000 Central American children have flooded across the U.S. border…

Summer Vacation

Happy summer!! Schools out and vacations begin! A friendly request…please keep your pledge up to date.  If you miss church for several weeks, you can drop your pledge off at the church office or even use the mail.  St. James’ utility bills and payroll still need to be paid every month…would be nice if bills…

St. James’ Sunday School Happenings

The Sunday School closing ceremony-recognition is scheduled for June lst at 9:30 a.m. in the Great Hall. All students and teachers will be recognized at this time. We give thanks for a wonderful year together. We were pleased to welcome Mary Ann & Rick Smith, directors of A is for Africa, to our outdoor worship service on May 25th. At that time…

Some thoughts about music …

“Sing unto the Lord a new song,” says the psalmist. The Episcopal Church’s Canon II.6.1 requires each minister of the church to “see that music is used as an offering for the glory of God and as a help to the people in their worship.” But even if music were not required of us by the decree of both God and church,…