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Thrift Shop Donations Month

Please consider donating supplies to your Thrift Shop this month. We have placed a board with our needs in the Narthex. Be sure to grab a slip from one of the envelopes, with one of our needs listed. When you have purchased that item, please deposit your slip into the box to be reused for…

Saint James’ Nursery School News

The year has been off to a great start for St. James Nursery School. Many of the students have participated in exciting field trips over the past few weeks. The school is currently participating in an Aluminum Can Tab Collection to benefit Shriner’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. Collected aluminum tabs will be turned into money and sent to the hospital. We…

Saint James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

During our last 4th Sunday group activity, we welcomed Mary Anne and Rick Smith, organizers of the A is for Africa project. They showed us pictures of the Tanzania students registering for school and the newly formed school library. Lots of interesting questions were asked. Our outreach donations have helped with this endeavor and the Tanzania children say “Asante Sana”, which means…

A Message from Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett…

Everything is happening too soon this year. Easter is on the early side, which means that Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent are just around the corner. On February 17th we will gorge ourselves on pancakes and all the fixings (an ancient way to use up all the butter in the larder before the Lenten fast begins) and the next…

Epiphany, Theophany, and the Baptism of Jesus

January brings celebrations of some of the most public events of the life of Jesus. Holy Name Day on January first, which we used to call the Feast of the Circumcision, remembers Jesus being presented in the Temple by his parents to fulfill the rituals that name and claim a baby boy for Judaism. The Feast of the Epiphany on January sixth marks the…

Nursery School Registration for 2015-2016

It is the policy of St. James’ Nursery School to allow church members to register their children for new spots in our Two, Preschool Three, and Prekindergarten Four classes before registration is open to the public. All classes will now be held at our Main Street location!  Completed applications with registration fees will be accepted in the Nursery School Office beginning at…

St. James’ Nursery School News

St. James Nursery School has much to be thankful for as we close out November! The Holiday Vendor and Book Fair was lovely and proceeds will benefit Mt. Airy Net, to help families in need. This special event was organized by parent volunteers and is part of the year-long celebration of St. James Nursery School’s 40th anniversary. There is still time to…