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Reflections on the Situation in Baltimore

The news from Baltimore has touched all of us in one way or another. It may be the injury and death of Freddie Gray, or the grief of his family and community, or the anger of many, or the peaceful marches, or the violent protests, or the looting and destruction of property, or the history of mistrust, inequality and injustice that gets…

40 Tote-Bags to Celebrate 40 Years!!!

St. James’ Nursery School is continuing to celebrate its 40th anniversary and would like to donate 40 tote-bags, filled with children’s books and other items for preschoolers, to the Mt. Airy Net.   These tote-bags will be given to preschool children (ages 2-4) that come into the Net for help. The school will be purchasing the tote-bags and several children’s books for each…

A Message from Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett…

The following article is the second of a 2 part series written by Rev. Dr. Bill Doggett. It is in response to some recent questions from parishioners about the vestments worn by clergy and other participants during a worship service. Decorative Vestments The long strip of decorated cloth that ministers drape around their necks is a Stole. The stole was a sign of rank…

Claggett News – March 2015

Click here to see all the happenings at the Claggett Center for March 2015         Chapman Dialogues: Conversations on Faith for laity and clergy of all beliefs Future of Interfaith is Now   A new series focusing on contemporary issues of faith, designed to inspire, enliven and educate. Each includes plenary sessions, workshops,…

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

The pancake supper on Tuesday, February 17th was a great success largely due to the support provided by our wonderful helpers. Many thanks to: the people who supported this event. Thanks to all who donated sausages, applesauce, and juice. Thanks to those who helped set up on Sunday. Thanks to the wonderful kitchen staff who prepared the pancakes and sausage. Thanks to…

St. James’ Thrift Shop News…

St. James’ Thrift Shop Wants to wish you a happy St. Patrick’s Day! Please remember to donate locally! It matters in YOUR COMMUNITY! RECYCLE – REUSE- RE-PURPOSE Donate your gently used Clothing, Shoes, Books, DVD’s, Dishes and other household items to St. James Thrift Shop! Our mission: To focus upon ministering to the community as…

St. James’ Nursery School News …

Volunteering at St. James’ Nursery School St. James’ Nursery School has been blessed this year with a wonderful volunteer, Deb Schaeffer. Deb is the first church member to volunteer at our school on a regular basis and we have enjoyed having her working with the children and in our Teacher Resource Library (Thank you Deb!!!). Having an extra set of hands and…