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St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

Here it is….November! Can you believe it? Sunday School has been in full swing since September and we have been enjoying our time with your children on Sunday mornings. Our last 4th Sunday group activity was a busy one. The children decorated fall leaves with words of thankfulness – and made bagel bird seed treats for our fine feathered friends. Speaking of…

Vestry Nominations

The Vestry Nominating Committee is excited to announce that they are accepting nominations for the 2017-2020 Vestry Class.  A blue handout is available in the narthex which details ideal qualities for candidates as well as Vestry member responsibilities.  Outgoing members Lynda Ellis, Jane Barger, Mike Henyon, and Cory DelRegno are also available if you are interested and have questions.  If you would…

Thank You!

It is with very grateful hearts that we would like to thank of all our St. James’ family and friends for helping to make our one-day 2016 Basket Raffle and Silent Auction a wonderful success.  With your help in so many ways, we raised $4,287 toward our church and it’s outreach projects.  With blessings to…

A Season of Prayer: For An Election

Join others in the Episcopal Church across the nation in praying daily for our upcoming elections.  Pick up the prayer packet in the narthex or download it here:  The prayers will also be posted to our Facebook Page.


A colleague recently offered a metaphor that has helped me remember why I give.  It has to do with the two bodies of water in Israel.  In the north of Israel, the Jordan River flows into the Sea of Galilee.  The Sea of Galilee teems with life, and supports humans and myriad other creatures.  The…

Do you have an extra fridge or freezer?

Recently our old chest freezer in the church kitchen conked out – and because when it rains it pours – one of the refrigerators is also on its way out the door.  Do you happen to have an extra chest freezer or refrigerator you’re looking to get rid of and would like to donate to the church?  If so, please contact Jim…

Giving Back ~ Giving Forward

Dear St. James’ Parish Family, As the days grow cooler and the world around us ripens in color, it is time once again to come together to plan for the life of our community as we plan our budget for 2017. Our theme this year is Giving Back, Giving Forward. There are many reasons we give…

Hello from St. James’ Nursery School Board

St. James’ Nursery School is off to another fantastic year! In the beginning of September the children had an exciting start to a new school year. All the children adjusted well to their teachers, former and/or new friends, and classroom configuration. The teachers and staff work together to make sure each and every child feels secure, feels free to explore, encourage new friendships, and help the…

St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

Sunday School is in full swing with our children making a joyful noise unto the Lord each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. It’s never too late to enroll your student for preschool through high school classes. Hopefully you have had an opportunity to meet our teacher volunteers: Yvette Allen, Rebecca Sneden Lignelli – Bible Stories for Preschoolers Betsy Davis, Jessica Bahorich – Kindergarten-2nd Grades…