The Shell Newsletter – November 14, 2019

Volunteers are still needed for the Children’s Secret Santa Shop
at the St. James’ Thrift Shop.
Friday setup and Saturday event day.
  Please click here to sign up or
call Sandy, Thrift Shop Manager at 301-829-0314.

From the Rector – The Blessing of Our Work

Almighty God our heavenly Father, you declare your glory and show forth your handiwork in the heavens and in the earth:  Deliver us in our various occupations from the service of self alone, that we may do the work you give us to do in truth and beauty and for the common good; for the sake of him who came among us as one who serves, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.

 For Vocation in Daily Work, The Book of Common Prayer (page 261)

We have set aside this Sunday as The Blessing of Our Work Sunday to celebrate that it takes all our labor to support our society.  Throughout the year we celebrate saint’s days to bless teachers and students, police officers, fire fighters, nurses, and parents – but on this day, we will offer a blessing for all of us for our daily work and vocations. 

Everyone is invited to bring a token or symbol of their work to be blessed as the outward and visible sign of all that they do.  Whether you’re a contractor or an office administrator, a parent or a salesperson, retired or work part time or volunteer – we want to offer a blessing of that work and send you forth in peace, to love and serve God and neighbor. 

Join us in this blessing of our work at both services and consider inviting a friend who could use a blessing too, for the building up of the common good relies on all of us.

Yours in God’s peace, Kristin+


College Care Packages
We sent fourteen packages out to our college kids last month.  In addition to the many verbal thanks received through parents, here’s some we received via email and note:

Hello All!  I am writing from Oxford, Mississippi to thank you for my yummy care package.  I feel so thankful for all of you supporting me and thinking of me while I’m away.  I am so excited to be back in a few short weeks to thank you in person!  Loving all of my goodies 🙂  Holten Moreno

William Lee

Hello, William received his box today. Thank you very much for sending this to him. He and his roommate will enjoy every bite. Now that he is a sophomore, he does not have to worry about “enforced sharing“ from upperclassman. 🙂   Tonya Lee

Kaley Henyon expressed her appreciation for the timing of her care package which was during preparation for several tests, giving her a much needed boost of love and encouragement.

Thank you so much to all those who signed up to provide items for our Thanksgiving dinner donations.  Please have your goodies brought to the church by Thursday, November 21.  We will deliver to Mt. Airy NET on Friday, November 22.

Christmas Angel Tree 
We will be supporting twelve children through Carroll County Social Services and twenty residents from Pleasant View Nursing Home this year for Christmas.  Look for the tree decorated with tags after Thanksgiving.  

Fellowship with Makers
Several people have expressed a desire to get together with other makers while creating their goodies.  Knitters, crocheters, scrapbookers, cardmakers, quilters or anyone who partakes in a hobby of making things are welcome to join us in fellowship.  There will be a sign-up sheet in the narthex where you can let us know your preferred days and times as well as how often you’d like to meet.  Call Cheryl Windsor for questions.


Parish Administrator Hours for the week of November 17, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, 10-4. Vestry Nominations  The Vestry Nominating Committee is excited to announce they are accepting nominations for the 2020-2023 Vestry Class.  A nominating form is available in the narthex which details ideal qualities for candidates as well as Vestry member responsibilities.  You can submit your name or the name of someone you think would be a candidate in the box provided.  Deadline for nominations is 11/24.

High School Service Project  Hi,  my name is Caroline Pellicier. I am doing a service project for my high school. For my service project, I am sewing bibs and donating them to Rock Creek School in Frederick. I am asking for donations of the materials that I need to make the bibs. The materials that I need are: brand new bandannas, and brand new hand towels. I will be collecting donations until Sunday, December 22nd. There will be a labeled bin in the Narthex to put any donations in. Thank you for helping me with my project!

Scarves and Shawls For Sale Again This Year  A new collection of soft and colorful handmade scarves and shawls knit by Lucy Winston will be available to buy on Sundays starting in November.  They have all been made with yarn purchased from local farms and shops.  Half of the proceeds will go to St. James’ which amounted to $400 last year. Think Christmas gifts!

November Book Discussion Group We will meet at the Mount Airy Tavern at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 19 at 7:00 pm.  Our book selection is Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown.  Sign up in the narthex.
The O Antiphons: An Advent Exploration of the Names of Jesus Gather over lunch after the 10:30 am service on Sunday 12/8 to explore the ancient O Antiphons, a series of seven short sentences (antiphons) that are recited in the days leading up to Christmas. They are familiar to most of us as paraphrased in the hymn O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, and each one references one of the titles for Jesus taken from the Book of Isaiah. Take some time to reflect on how you desire Jesus to come to you in this holy season of Advent, and in this season of your life.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW  FOR OUR HOLIDAY QUARTERMANIA!!  St. James’ Church Holiday Quartermania will be in three short weeks at the church  on Friday, DECEMBER 6th!  The doors will open at 6 pm with the games beginning at 7 pm.  Delicious refreshments will also be available for purchase throughout the evening, including amazing desserts being sold by our Youth Group. For those who may not know, Quartermania is a game that can be played by anyone from three to 93–a great family activity!  Imagine a game that combines Bingo and an Auction using only quarters with lots of prizes to bid on!  This will be a great night to begin your holidays by gathering with your family and friends to win special gifts for yourself and your loved ones. E-mail or call Judy @ 240-674-1961 to advance reserve a seat for $5 (a $3 discount!); admission fees will be collected at the door.  Come join us to begin your holidays with this exciting game!
VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED!!  Our HOLIDAY QUARTERMANIA fundraising event is quickly approaching on December 6th, therefore, we are in need of volunteers now! We still need several people to help post fliers at the local businesses by approximately November 20th—you may choose the area of town you prefer and it will only take 30-45 minutes.  Volunteers are also needed at the event itself.  There is a VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP SHEET in the narthex or you may contact me, Marilyn Hancock, at or 301-788-0136.  Please join in on the fun!!  Your help will be greatly appreciated!


Prayer Rotation Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you pray to on a daily basis for the needs and blessing of:

Lynn and Donna Carr, Scott and Christine Carstens (Amanda), John Cerveny (Ricky, Matthew)

A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting  you this week for special prayer requests.


This week’s Commemorations (A Great Cloud of Witnesses, 2019, Church Publishing Group)

17-NovHugh, 1200, and Robert Grosseteste, 1253, Bishops of Lincoln
18-NovHilda, Abbess of Whitby, 680
19-NovElizabeth, Princess of Hungary, 1231
20-NovEdmund, King of East Anglia, 870
21-NovWilliam Byrd, 1623, John Merbecke, 1584, and Thomas Tallis, 1585, Musicians
22-NovCecilia, Martyr at Rome, c. 280 or Clive Staples Lewis, Apologist and Spiritual Writer, 1963
23-NovClement, Bishop of Rome, c. 100