From the Rector – Pray and Give
As we begin to see the devastation wrought by hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas and brace for its effects along the eastern seaboard, please join in praying for all those affected.
A Prayer in Time of DisasterLoving and compassionate God, you are our coming and strength in times of sudden disaster, crisis, or chaos. Surround us now, O Lord, with your grace and peace. Through storm or winds, fires or floods, by your Spirit, lift up those who have fallen, sustain those who work to rescue or rebuild, and fill us with the hope of your new creation; through Jesus Christ, our rock and our redeemer. Amen.
You can directly help those in need by giving to Episcopal Relief & Development – our national church’s outreach arm. Using their extensive network and connects on the ground in affected areas, their US Disaster Program is working with dioceses in the path of Dorian to meet urgent and immediate needs, and then help provide long-term assistance as needed. Episcopal Relief & Development has the highest rating given by Charity Navigator, so you can be assured that what you give will go where it’s needed most.
Donation forms will be in this Sunday’s bulletin, or visit our Facebook page to access a link to give online.
Yours in God’s peace,Kristin+
In addition to all she does at St. James’, including being our delegate to Diocesan Convention, Carla has just been elected as the Frederick Region Lay Representative to Diocesan Council. Please congratulate and say thanks next time you see her!

Registration: September 8thSunday School classes begin September 15th
Preschool through High School
9:30 – 10:15 lower level
Here it is September and we look forward to seeing the students again. Registration will take place during the Ministry Fair on September 8th at 9:30 a.m. in the Great Hall. A registration form should be completed for each child attending Sunday School.
Classes will begin on September 15th. All students are to meet by the altar for an opening prayer at 9:30 a.m. and will then proceed with their teachers to the classrooms in the lower level. Our preschool children will be learning different Bible stories each Sunday and, once again, all other grades will be using Living the Good News curriculum.
The 4th Sunday Fun group activity will begin on October 27th and continue each month. It is a popular Sunday event held during class time in the lower level when all grades work together on a project. The older grade students assist the younger children and it is the perfect way to get to know one another better. Please begin to save your plastic (clear or colored) lids for one of the planned projects. Lids from cottage cheese, dips or butter tubs will work.
Come to the Ministry Fair on September 8th!
Two Fall Offerings You Won’t Want to MissFall Book Discussion Group Selection
We’re excited to share that Dave & Kathy Rak will be the new organizers for our book discussion group gatherings this year. Our fall selection is Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown. Grab a copy now and be on the lookout soon for dates in November to come together for conversation and reflection.
Want to add some more Bible time to your life? Join Rev. Kristin and the Rev. Dina van Klaveren from St. Andrew’s in Glenwood for four weekday lunch hour Bible study sessions via Zoom video conferencing this fall. Perfect for folks who work and can take a midday break, and open to everyone! More details closer to the dates, but go ahead and pencil in 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, and 11/14 on your calendar.

Youth Group Pizza Party & Kick Off
See you Sunday from 6-8pm for our first Youth Group meeting of the year!
Both parents and youth are invited to this first meeting to go over the calendar for the year, meet returning and new Youth Group Leaders, and of course eat pizza and play games.
We will again be using both email and Remind to let you know about all the great activities we have planned for the year. To sign up to receive Remind messages click here for instructions (we’ll have copies on hand on 9/8 as well).
Questions? Drop us a line at
Bobby, Kara, Annie, Vic, Kristin+
Parish Administrator Hours for the week of Sept. 8, Monday through Thursday 10-4.
Recycling in the Town of Mt. Airy
Many of may have received the recent letter from the Town regarding recycling. This will also impact how we recycle at church. Please pay close attention to the posters on the refrigerator in the kitchen. If you are in doubt please put your item in the regular trash. We will not be able to sort through the recycling bin every Tuesday and would hate see to our efforts go to waste.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Help Needed at the Thrift Shop
On Monday, September 9, we are transitioning from summer clothes to fall/winter clothes and need additional help. What this is entails is every piece of summer clothing is taken off the racks and either donated or packed away for next year. Then we start opening bins and hanging all the fall/winter clothing on the racks for men, women and children. There are normally only three people in the shop on Monday’s and this requires a little more man power. Could you spare a little time to help? It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Outreach News
It is still really warm outside, but the leaves are starting to turn. This time of year is a favorite for many people because the cooler weather means football, hot chocolate, spiced tea, warm clothing, pumpkins and kids going back to school! September 8 begins our annual collection of goodies for our kids in college. There is a blue bin under the table in the Narthex where you can place items such as: granola bars, cookies, crackers, hot chocolate, tea, fruit snacks, Kleenex, goldfish, Pringle’s, Mac ‘n’ cheese, pop tarts, hand sanitizer, etc.
The new pantry chair for Mt. Airy Net called to inquire what St. James’ does for the Net because our name was identified on different things. She was informed about the things we do and was overwhelmingly grateful for everything. She was asked if there were any specific needs at this time and she said there is a shortage of oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup, muffin mix, mashed potato mix, cans of chili, kidney beans, beef stew, garbanzo beans, ravioli, pork ‘n’ beans and salmon. Please keep the Net in mind when you do your shopping. Thank you!
Blessings, The Outreach Committee
St. James’ 13th Annual Basket Raffle & Silent Auction Will take place on Saturday, September 21, 2019 and Saturday, September 28, 2019 – mark your calendars! In the meantime, there is much to do to prepare and make this fundraiser a success. An online Volunteer Sign Up form is available at Our wonderful “Basket Brigade” has created 60 beautiful filled baskets to be raffled off at the Mt. Airy Lions’ Club Fall Yard Sale on September 21 and the Mt. Airy OKTOBERFEST on September 28.
Thank you so much to those who have already donated items as well as their time and talents!!
Church Directory Update It’s time for another update. Please take a look at the binder in the narthex and be sure your information is correct. If you are not in the directory but would like to be, please complete a household information form and leave it in the office.
Your Old Vintage Christmas Jewelry There have been several requests for our Joan Collins to craft another beautiful Christmas Tree like the one she did last year which was covered in vintage jewelry. Pins, earrings and pendants work perfectly. We will collect items until we have enough.