Vestry – Congregational Life Cycle
A few months ago, Rev. Kristin shared her reflections on the education and training we received at the College for Congregational Development last June. In her Shell article she explained that Congregation Development (CD) is the development of congregations of all sizes, locations, and conditions into more faithful, healthy, and effective communities. She also mentioned the MANY aspects of the training into the HOW we develop our congregations into healthy communities. She and I came away from our week away with many ideas and plans on how to implement and share our newly learned knowledge with St. James’. I think we both felt energy and a deep pride in our church and church family after our intensive educational week.
On Saturday, November 3rd the Vestry gathered at St. James’ to learn about the Congregational Life Cycle Model and how to use and apply it to Congregational Development. The training was led by Rev. Kristin and me as part of our homework projects and as a starting point to assist the Vestry in setting direction, vision, and goals for St. James’. After the storm that raged through our community the night before, it was calm, peaceful, and active reflection and discussion in the Church that morning. We were able to openly and respectfully share our thoughts and insights into who we were, who we are today, and started to consider who we want to be tomorrow. The core take away from the Life Cycle Model is it always comes back to continued formation. Formation can take many forms and directions but continued, renewed formation is the foundation of any healthy Congregation.
The Vestry will gather together in February for our annual retreat to set our direction, vision, and goals for St. James’. At our retreat, we will continue deep works into who we are as a congregation to help us set our vision for our future. At that time, the Vestry will learn another of the models we learned so we can pass the knowledge on to develop our congregation into a more faithful, healthy, and effective community. I am so grateful for the support of the St. James’ family and look forward to sharing what I have learned and growing spiritually with each one of you.
~Heather Albertson, Vestry member
Do you know where your drinking water comes from and where your wastewater goes? Are you on a public water supply or do you have a private well? Do you have a septic tank or are you connected to a public wastewater system?
Did you know that 1 in 9 (or 884 million) people do not have access to clean water?
Did you know that 1 in 3 (or 2.3 billion) people do not have access to a toilet?
Access to clean, safe drinking water and clean sanitation facilities which most of us in the US take for granted, is a global problem. What can you do? Be educated and consider donating to projects that help people gain access to such basic needs.
The following websites may be helpful:
Episcopal Relief & Development
If there are environmental stewardship topics or programs that you would like to see at St. James, please let us know.
Office Hours For Laura Week of December 2
Monday through Thursday 10-4.
Advent & Christmas Bulletin Cover Art
This year, beginning on the First Sunday of Advent and going through The Epiphany, our bulletins will feature artwork from our Kindergarten-2nd Grade Sunday School class. Earlier this month Rev. Kristin joined teachers Betsy Davis and Jessica Bahorich to share about the circle of the church year, and the stories and symbols used for Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany. The children then drew pictures representing the stories. Every Sunday a different artist will be highlighted and all children in class that day will have at least one bulletin cover this holiday season!
Praying Through the Church Year
Beginning the first Sunday of Advent, on the back of the bulletin every Sunday and in the weekly Shell you will now find a list and link to weekly commemorations of the saints and the coming Sunday’s readings. This is an invitation to take time to learn more about those that we list up as models who show us what it means to live a Godly life, and to regularly engage with scripture – either to prepare for worship or to go deeper in the week following.
Hand Knit Scarves, Shawls, and Cowls
Made by Lucy Winston with yarn from local farms will be available tor sale starting Sunday, November 25 between our two services. Proceeds will go to St. James’. Buy a gift or treat yourself!
Evensong to celebrate Bishop Chilton Knudsen’s ministry and to bid her farewell, December 16, 5:00 PM, prelude, 4:45 PM, Cathedral of the Incarnation. Clergy: Vest in choir dress by 4:30 PM and process. Church banner procession line up, 4:45 PM. The prelude and service will be streamed live online, the link to the live webcast will be posted to our website homepage, EpiscopalMaryland.org.
Our Holiday Quartermania will be at the church NEXT FRIDAY, DEC 7th! The doors will open at 6 pm with the games beginning at 7 pm. Delicious refreshments will also be available for purchase throughout the evening, including amazing desserts being sold by our Youth Group to help finance their upcoming Appalachia Mission trip.
For those who may not know, Quartermania is a game that can be played by anyone from three to 93–a great family activity! Imagine a game that combines Bingo and an Auction using only quarters with lots of prizes to bid on! This will be a great night to begin your holidays by gathering with your family and friends to win special gifts for yourself and your loved ones.
E-mail judysquartermanias@aol.com or call Judy @ 240-674-1961 to advance reserve a seat for $5 (a $3 discount!); admission fees will be collected at the door. Come join us to begin your holidays with this exciting game!
Quartermania Baked Goods Needed!
Support the youth summer service trip fun by donating items for the bake sale table at Quartermania on Friday, December 7. Please label your donation with one copy of the INGREDIENTS and bring it to the church by FRIDAY, December 7th by 6:00 pm.
Prayer Rotation
Please join the Daughters of the King in praying for each parishioner in rotation during 2018 by taking this notice home and by posting it where it will remind you to pray on a daily basis for the needs and blessings of:
Mary Pfefferkorn
Bill and Karen Phillips
Cody and Erin Pond (Jack)
A member of the Daughters of the King will be contacting you this week for special prayer requests.
Reading for the First Sunday of Advent, December 2, 2018 :
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm 25:1-9
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Luke 21:25-36
Commemorations for the week of December 2, 2018: