St. James’ Episcopal Church Sunday School

The Sunday School students had so much fun collecting colored eggs on the church grounds Easter morning – even though it was a chilly one! Thank you all for your egg donations and the neat surprises found inside.
A visit from Rev. Portia+
On Tuesday, April the 5th, Rev. Portia+ will be at St. James’ for the blessing of the building dedication plaque which is located by the front entrance doorway. Rev. Kristin+ will lead the outdoor blessing at 6:30 p.m. followed by a parish covered dish dinner in the Great Hall. As a special treat our Sunday School children will “make a joyful noise” with song led by Mr. Jon on the banjo. Please RSVP to Joan Fader ( if your child will be singing (or let your Sunday School teacher know), the number attending the dinner, and what yummy item you will be able to share for dinner.
Please also note: Some strong dads and teens are needed to help set up tables for the dinner following the concert at St. James’ on Sunday the 3rd (approximately 5:30 p.m.). Who can help?
A is for Africa
If you did not have an opportunity to turn in your Lenten mite box during Easter services, you may do so during the next two Sunday services. After the coins are counted, we will let you know the total amount for our outreach project. Thank you all! It was a wonder-ful experience for our Sunday School classes to hear from Mary Anne and Rick Smith (our Mt. Airy ambassadors) about their January trip to Africa. The newly organized school library is now officially opened and in operation.

Please make note of this month’s schedule
April 3, 10, 17 – regular class schedules
April 24 – 4th Sunday Fun group activity:
Students will be preparing/filling “breakfast-in-a-bag” items for Shepherd’s Staff, Westminster

In thanksgiving for our volunteer teachers
Bible Stories for Preschoolers Yvette Allen (and parent volunteers)
Kindergarten – 2nd Grades Betsy Davis
3rd – 5th Grades Addie Straus, Susan Straus
6th – 12th Grades Joan Fader, Peter Sabonis
4th Sunday Fun” Group Events Nancy Nanavaty
Children’s Music Jon Fader